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  • 英文篇名:Research on regional ecological well-being performance and spatial effect in China
  • 作者:方时姣 ; 肖权
  • 英文作者:FANG Shi-jiao;XIAO Quan;Economics School,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
  • 关键词:生态福利绩效 ; 超效率DEA ; 空间溢出效应 ; 福利门槛
  • 英文关键词:ecological well-being performance;;super-efficiency DEA;;spatial spillover effect;;welfare threshold
  • 中文刊名:ZGRZ
  • 英文刊名:China Population,Resources and Environment
  • 机构:中南财经政法大学经济学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-03-14
  • 出版单位:中国人口·资源与环境
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.29;No.223
  • 基金:国家社科基金专项招标课题“人与自然和谐共生的生态哲学阐释与中国生态文明发展道路研究”(批准号:18VSJ013);; 湖北师范大学资源枯竭城市转型发展研究中心开放式基金项目“资源型城市绿色发展创新体系研究”(批准号:KF2018Y02)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:ZGRZ201903001
  • 页数:10
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:37-1196/N
  • 分类号:3-12
        The traditional view of economic growth has many drawbacks. Growth is only a means and not an ultimate goal. It must change from the idea of weak sustainable development to that of strong sustainable development. To improve the ecological well-being performance is to obtain the maximum welfare level with the minimum resource consumption,which is essentially a broader extension of sustainable development. Based on Daly's main idea,different from economic growth and eco-efficiency concept,this paper studied China's regional level and its spatial effect from the perspective of ecological well-being performance by using super-efficiency DEA and spatial measurement. The study found that: ①The performance level of regional ecological well-being in China presented a pattern of‘the highest in the east,the second in the middle and the lowest in the west',and the time trend had experienced four stages of‘decline-rise-decline-rise'. ②The performance level of ecological well-being showed a strong spatial correlation and a relatively stable path dependence,which was reflected in the high-value to high-value concentration in the eastern region and the low-value to low-value concentration in the western region. ③Through the spatial Dubin panel model and the decomposition of spillover effects,it is concluded that the energy structure had a negative impact on the performance level of ecological well-being in this region,while it had a positive effect on other regions. The urbanization level and industrial structure factors,whether direct or indirect,had an inhibitory effect on the performance level of ecological well-being. Foreign direct investment not only promoted the level of ecological well-being performance in the region,but also promoted other regions,and the indirect effect was significantly higher than the direct effect on the region. The hypothesis of‘Polluting Heaven'was not necessarily correct. ④ The hypothesis of ‘welfare threshold'still held after introducing spatial factors, and there was the inverted ‘U '-shaped relationship between ecological well-being performance and economic development level. On this basis,this paper provided some policy suggestions to improve China's regional ecological well-being performance from the aspects of urbanization,energy structure,industrial structure optimization,foreign direct investment and spatial spillover effect.
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