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  • 英文篇名:Rural Elderly Parents' Family Support Benefits,Which One is Better?:A Longitudinal Study on Household Composition Changes over 15 Years
  • 作者:王萍 ; 王静 ; 连亚伟 ; 李逸明
  • 英文作者:WANG Ping;WANG Jing;LIAN Yawei;LI Yiming;School of Management,Xi'an University of Science and Technology;Aging and Health Research Center,Xi'an Jiaotong University;Department of Vascular Surgery,Changhai Hospital,The Second Military Medical University;
  • 关键词:家庭养老福祉 ; 家庭结构 ; 老年人 ; 性别
  • 英文关键词:family support benefits;;household composition;;the elderly;;gender
  • 中文刊名:RKJJ
  • 英文刊名:Population & Economics
  • 机构:西安科技大学管理学院;西安交通大学老龄与健康研究中心;海军军医大学长海医院血管外科;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25
  • 出版单位:人口与经济
  • 年:2019
  • 期:No.232
  • 基金:国家社会科学基金项目“农村老年人家庭结构与代际支持的动态演进研究”(17BRK020);; 西安科技大学哲学社会科学繁荣重点项目“劳动力转移下农村老人家庭生计、能源消费及福祉研究”(2018SZ01)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:RKJJ201901006
  • 页数:13
  • CN:01
  • ISSN:11-1115/F
  • 分类号:71-83
        According to the data over 15 years from the longitudinal survey"the wellbeing of rural elderly in Anhui province ",this research analyzes the influence of household composition changes on rural elderly parents' family support benefits. The study found:1) There is no significant gender difference in the development trend of household composition and family support; 2) When the household composition changes into only elders and skipped-family,elderly parents' family support benefits have no advantages or disadvantages; 3) The family support benefits of elderly mothers whose household composition changes into two-generation family are better than elderly fathers,however,when household composition changes into three-generation family,the result is opposite.The research reflect the effect of "health choice"in the development trend of household composition changes and family support,which reveals that "young couple and old to partner"and "cooperative group model"were still popular in the current rural areas; In particular,the changes associated with "intergenerational conflict"between the elderly father and the adult son in a two-generation family and the great contribution made by the elderly father to the "family reproduction,inheritance and development " in a threegeneration family can't be ignored.
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