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  • 英文篇名:Analysis of risk monitoring results of food additives in Jiangsu province in 2017-2018
  • 作者:丁洪流 ; 陆俊 ; 张淑琴 ; 陈英
  • 英文作者:DING Hong-Liu;LU Jun;ZHANG Shu-Qin;CHEN Ying;Suzhou Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection;
  • 关键词:食品添加剂 ; 风险监测 ; 溶剂残留 ; 塑化剂 ;
  • 英文关键词:food additives;;risk monitoring;;solvent residue;;plasticizer;;aluminum
  • 中文刊名:SPAJ
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Food Safety & Quality
  • 机构:苏州市产品质量监督检验院;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25
  • 出版单位:食品安全质量检测学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.10
  • 基金:江苏省科技厅社会发展项目(BE2016664)~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:SPAJ201902057
  • 页数:6
  • CN:02
  • ISSN:11-5956/TS
  • 分类号:287-292
目的研究江苏省食品添加剂的产品质量及存在的风险点。方法对江苏省范围内的食品添加剂进行风险监测,通过对江苏省2017-2018年食品添加剂抽样检查结果的汇总,分析近2年江苏省范围内食品添加剂的质量水平,总结食品添加剂的风险点并制定相应的监督防控措施。结果 2017~2018年江苏省共完成173批次食品添加剂的风险监测,抽检的食品添加剂样品涉及3类:单一食品添加剂、食品用香精及复配食品添加剂,其中溶剂残留检出9批次,塑化剂检出23批次,铝含量超过100 mg/kg检出6批次,检出未标识添加剂5批次。结论当前江苏省食品添加剂存在的风险点主要是溶剂残留、塑化剂残留、高铝成分检出及未如实标注添加剂成分等情况。食品添加剂生产企业及食品加工企业应加强对该类风险点的防控,同时监管部门需增强对食品添加剂的监管力度,制定对食品添加剂生产企业相关风险点的监管措施。
        Objective To study the quality and risks of food additives in Jiangsu province. Methods The risk of food additives in Jiangsu province was monitored. Through the summary of the results of sampling inspection of food additives in Jiangsu Province in 2017-2018, the quality of food additives in Jiangsu province in the past 2 years was analyzed, the risk points of food additives were summarized and corresponding supervision and prevention measures were formulated. Results From 2017 to 2018, a total of 173 batches of food additives risk monitoring were completed in Jiangsu province, sampling samples of food additive involved in 3 categories: Single food additives, flavoring essence and compound food additive. The results shown there were 9 batches containing solvent residues, 23 batches containing plasticizer, 6 batches containing more than 100 mg/kg of aluminium, and 5 batches of unmarked additives. Conclusion The main risk points of food additives in Jiangsu province are solvent residues, plasticizer residues, high aluminum component and untruthful labeling of additives. Food additive manufacturers and food processing enterprises should strengthen the prevention and control of such risk points. Meanwhile, the supervision department should strengthen the supervision of food additives and formulate the supervision measures for the related risk points of food additive manufacturers.
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