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  • 英文篇名:Foreign Language Education in the United States: Federal Planning and its Implementations
  • 作者:许小颖
  • 英文作者:Xu Xiaoying;
  • 关键词:美国外语教育状况 ; 教育地方自治制度 ; 联邦政府外语政策
  • 英文关键词:foreign language education in the USA;;education system of local autonomy;;foreign language policy of the federal government
  • 中文刊名:YZLY
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning
  • 机构:北京师范大学文学院;
  • 出版日期:2018-09-10
  • 出版单位:语言战略研究
  • 年:2018
  • 期:v.3;No.17
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:YZLY201805011
  • 页数:15
  • CN:05
  • ISSN:10-1361/H
  • 分类号:48-62
        In the past decade, many Chinese articles on foreign language policies in the United States point out that the federal government has attached great importance to foreign language education in the U.S., and it has taken active measures to reinforce foreign language education. The U.S. foreign language policy has higlighted the strategic characteristics of national security orientation and swept across the country from top to bottom. Based on a survey of data concerning American foreign language education and the specific case of foreign language programs in Oklahoma, this paper examines how foreign language education in the U.S. is constrained by federal and local forces. It is found that American foreign language education is developing slowly, with significant differences among the 50 states, there has been a general lack of understanding of foreign culture and languages. The analysis further shows that although the foreign language policy of the federal government is justified by national security concerns, the implementation of the policy at the local level is highly circumscribed. Since the states have constitutionally-granted right to control their own education systems, it is difficult for the federal government to intervene in foreign language education at the state level by administrative means. In practice, the federal policy of strengthening foreign language education can only be implemented by means of financial and technical assistance. However, the funding for foreign language education provided by the federal government to the states is extremely low. These institutional and economic reasons can explain why the federal government's foreign language policy has not been effective in promoting foreign language education in the U.S.
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    Blake,Robert and Claire Kramsch.2007.The Issue:National Language Educational Policy.Modern Language Journal 91(2),249.
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    Conley,D.T.2003.Who Governs Our Schools?Changing Roles and Responsibilities.New York:Teachers College Press.
    Kearns,David T.and Denis P.Doyle.1988.Winning the brain race:A bold plan to make our schools competitive,Institute for Contemporary Studies 112-113.
    Keatley,Catharine.2004.Who is paying the bills?The Federal Budget and Foreign Language Education in U.S.Schools and Universities.Retrieved on January 5,2018.https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1104092.pdf.
    Looney,Dennis,and Natalia Lusin.2018.Enrollments in languages other than English in United States institutions of higher education,Summer 2016 and Fall 2016:Preliminary Report.https://www.mla.org/content/download/83540/2197676/2016-Enrollments-Short-Report.pdf.
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    (2)指优等水平课程(honors level)、AP课程(Advanced Placement)或IB课程(International Baccalaureate)。

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