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Fast prediction of the degradation of thin organic coatings by galvanic coupling corrosion
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In the present work,the corrosion performance of anti- fingerprint thin organic coating on a hot dip galvanized steel sheet was evaluated by both salt sprayed test (SST) and galvanic coupling corrosion test.The tested corrosion resistances of several different coatings were compared,it showed that the results derived from the two mentioned test methods are consistent.The greater the corrosive quantity of electric charge,the worse the corrosion performance of the coating.Using the linear fitting equation of the corrosive quantity of electric charge verses corrosion time curve obtained from short term ( about a few hours) galvanic coupling corrosion test calculates the corrosive quantity of electric charge of the future based on SST data.The calculating results indicated that the quantities of electric charge of different coatings are similar at that time when the coatings just occurred corrosive failure.

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