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Study on the influence of fracture width on the reservoir permeability after fracturing
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  • 作者:Zhao Yi-zhongCheng Yuan-fangQu Lian-zhong
  • 会议时间:2007-10-20
  • 关键词:油气藏开发 ; 裂缝宽度 ; 储层渗透率 ; 有限元仿真
  • 作者单位:College of Petroleum in China University of Petroleum
  • 母体文献:2007年油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室第四次国际学术会议论文集
  • 会议名称:2007年油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室第四次国际学术会议
  • 会议地点:成都
  • 主办单位:中国石油学会
  • 语种:chi
Based on the fluid-solid coupling theory in porous media, a finite element simulation model for dynamic fracture creation is established and the finite element simulation program is developed, and then relevant finite element simulation is conducted on the permeability distribution under the simultaneous influence of fracture creation and pressure-released production. Research results demonstrate that the permeability distribution law after fracturing is similar for fractures with different widths, and the permeability distribution shapes in ellipse. When the maximal fracture width is greater than or equal to 6mm, the influence region on the permeability increases apparently with the increment of fracture width, so does the influence in the vicinity of the wellbore. The fracture creation and pressure-released production alternately dominates the alteration of permeability in different regions. Dynamic fracture creation plays a more important role in permeability alteration within the region less than 5m away from the wellbore axis. The larger for the fracture width, the more sensitive for the permeability alteration gradient is observed in the region in the vicinity of the wellbore. In the region 20m away from the wellbore axis, the pressure-released production affect more apparently since dynamic fracture creation has a negligible effect in the region.

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