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Washing of Pollution-Preventing Lithographic Inks from a Roller Drum
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  • 作者:Chandrakant S. Maji and Ashok N. Bhaskarwar
  • 刊名:Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  • 出版年:2003
  • 出版时间:October 29, 2003
  • 年:2003
  • 卷:42
  • 期:22
  • 页码:5656 - 5661
  • 全文大小:119K
  • 年卷期:v.42,no.22(October 29, 2003)
  • ISSN:1520-5045
The share of lithography is sizable in the printing industry. Conventional lithographic inksusually contain a volatile organic compound (VOC) as a solvent. Ink rollers and plates are cleanedin place with a solvent, usually a VOC. Emissions of VOCs become a major cause for air pollution.A newly developed water-washable ink system eliminates the use of petroleum-based solventsand avoids emissions of VOCs during printing and cleaning of presses. The presses are cleanedby washing with water at a slightly elevated pH. Washing kinetics of this ecofriendly ink on aprototype roller drum are discussed. An empirical correlation between the mass-transfercoefficient and the process variables is sought based on experimental data on washing of theprototype roller drum. This correlation may be useful in deciding the optimum resin concentrationin ink, the pH of the wash solution, and the speed of roller drum during cleaning of the presses.The mass-transfer coefficients obtained on the roller drum are very large as compared to thoseon a revolving watch glass in the low-shear experiments reported earlier (Bhaskarwar, A. N.;Cussler, E. L. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1997, 52 (19), 3227-3231; Nair, S.; Bhaskarwar, A. N. Chem.Eng. Sci. 2000, 55 (10), 1921-1923).

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