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Topologized Hilbert spaces
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Let X14003011&_mathId=si1.gif&_user=111111111&_pii=S0022247X14003011&_rdoc=1&_issn=0022247X&md5=6a29bfd2b7d35efd57537c69de38f0ae" title="Click to view the MathML source">HP be a Hausdorff topological vector space with the underlying vector space H being a Hilbert space such that P is coarser than the norm topology. A densely defined P-P-continuous operator on H is called P-maximal if it has no non-trivial P-P-continuous extension, and it is said to be P-adjointable if its adjoint is also P-P-continuous.

We show that if P is locally convex, the collection View the MathML source of all densely defined P-maximal P-adjointable operators is a 鈦?/sup>-algebra under the multiplication given by the P-maximal extension of the composition and the involution 鈰?/sup> given by the P-maximal extension of the adjoint. Examples include rigged Hilbert spaces and O鈦?/sup>-algebras.

In the general (not necessarily locally convex) case, we associate with HP a 鈦?/sup>-algebra View the MathML source which is a 鈦?/sup>-subalgebra of View the MathML source when P is locally convex. If P is the measure topology on H corresponding to a tracial von Neumann algebra M⊆L(H), then the image of the representation of the measurable operator algebra on the completion View the MathML source of H with respect to P, can be regarded as a 鈦?/sup>-subalgebra of View the MathML source.

In the case when P is normable, it is shown that View the MathML source is a Banach 鈦?/sup>-algebra. Examples of such Banach 鈦?/sup>-algebras include View the MathML source (under a suitable norm) as well as View the MathML source, where S(鈩?sup>2) and 14208768a1ce56f588" title="Click to view the MathML source">T(鈩?sup>2) are the spaces of Hilbert–Schmidt operators and of trace-class operators respectively, on 鈩?sup>2.

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