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Different stakeholder groups and their perceptions of project success
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This is a theoretical paper using the Web of Science search engine and Bibexcel analysis functions to determine key literature related to 鈥榩roject success鈥? The paper firstly provides background to the development of project success since the 1970s. Then, an inductive thematic analysis investigates which factors stakeholders, involved in projects, perceived as key to project success.

It provides a better understanding of project success and identifies perceptions by senior management, project core team and project recipient stakeholder groups. The main issue highlighted by the research was that, for some groups, there were no common success factors. This suggests a lack of agreement in perceptions of project success factors between these three groups, highlighting discontinuity between them and provides a case for empirical research into multiple stakeholder groups' perceptions of project success. The approach selected employed a combination of a systematic integrative literature review, coding framework and thematic analysis.

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