1. 自然资源管理
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  • 英文篇名:Practical exploration on the method of unified registration of water flow resources——Taking the Wei river as an example
  • 作者:刘红瑛 ; 杜娜
  • 英文作者:LIU Hongying;DU Na;Land Surveying,Planning and Design Institute of Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group;
  • 中文关键词:水流自然资源 ; 确权方法 ; 渭河
  • 英文关键词:water natural resources ; method of registration ; Wei river
  • 年:2018
  • 期:10
  • 出版单位:西部大开发(土地开发工程研究)
  • 机构:陕西地建土地勘测规划设计院有限责任公司;
  • 出版日期:2018-10-20
  • DOI:CNKI:SUN:XBTG.0.2018-10-004
  • 来源:知网
This paper taking the pilot of unified confirmation and registration of natural resources in Weihe river as an example,explores the method to delimitate registration unit of water flow as an indepedent registration unit and identity ownership and resources status.At the same time,the paper put up forward suggestions about improving the policies and standards in the uniform confirmation and registration of natural resources and defining the number and quality of the registration indicators for different nature resource types.It will lay a solid foundation for carring out the unified registration and reform of property rights system in natural resources.