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Heavy metal pollution and environmental risks in the water of Rongna River caused by natural AMD around Tiegelongnan copper deposit, Northern Tibet, China
详细信息       来源:PloS one    发布日期:2022年8月12日
  • 标题:Heavy metal pollution and environmental risks in the water of Rongna River caused by natural AMD around Tiegelongnan copper deposit, Northern Tibet, China
  • 关键词:Heavy metals;Water pollution;Surface water;Rivers;Cancer risk factors;Phytoplankton;Acid deposition;Algae
  • 作者:Yuhu Luo, Jiaoping Rao, Qinxian Jia



Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the biggest environmental challenges associated with in the mining process. Most of the current research on AMD focuses on developed deposits, whereas there is almost no research on naturally-produced AMD from undeveloped deposits. In this study, river water and AMD were collected to analyze the distribution characteristics of heavy metals and the phytoplankton community. In addition, the environmental risks of heavy metals were evaluated by single-factor pollution index, Nemerow pollution index and health risk assessment model. The results show that the pH of the Rongna River water ranged from 6.52 to 8.46, and the average concentrations of Mn and Ni were 867.37 and 28.44 μg/L, respectively, which exceed the corresponding Grade III Environmental Quality Standard of Surface Water. The results of the environmental health risk assessment show that the river section of the Rongna River was seriously polluted by the heavy metal Mn after AMD confluence, and the health risk assessment indicates that oral ingestion of Mn posed a potential non-carcinogenic risk to children and adults. A total of 35 phytoplankton species were found in the Rongna River. The phytoplankton biomass was negatively correlated with the concentration of major heavy metals, indicating that the heavy metal concentration exceeded the tolerance limit of phytoplankton, thereby affecting their normal growth. Finally, statistical analysis shows that Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn and Cd in the Rongna River were mainly derived from AMD.  

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