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Dynamic variations in salinity and potassium grade of a potassium?rich brine deposit in Lop Nor basin, China
详细信息       来源:E3S Web of Conferences    发布日期:2021年11月8日
  • 标题:Dynamic variations in salinity and potassium grade of a potassium?rich brine deposit in Lop Nor basin, China
  • 关键词:Comprehensive Utilization Technology,Mine Water
  • 作者:



Yannan Coal Mine in Dayan Mining Area creatively utilizes water-preserving mining technology to block abandoned roadways to build underground reservoirs and build underground sedimentation tanks. It implements a zoned utilization and zoned management optimization technical plan for mine water, so that it can meet the needs of underground working face production and surface production and domestic water use. This mine water comprehensively recycles water conservation mining technology and makes full use of mine water resources. This greatly improves the utilization rate of mine water, realizes the recycling of mine water, and accelerates the construction of green mines.

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