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Factors influencing the spatial distribution of cystic echinococcosis in Tibet, China
详细信息       来源:Journal Pre-proof    发布日期:2021年2月9日
  • 标题:Factors influencing the spatial distribution of cystic echinococcosis in Tibet, China
  • 关键词:Cystic echinococcosis; prevalence; geographic information system; spatial distribution; spatial agglomeration; influencing factors
  • 作者:Tian Ma, Dong Jiang, Gongsang Quzhen, Chuizhao Xue, Shuai Han, Weiping Wu, Canjun Zheng, Fangyu Ding



Cystic echinococcosis (CE), which is caused by Echinococcus granulosus, is a worldwide helminthozoonosis that is highly endemic in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China and has important public health and economic impacts. However, the spatial epidemiological characteristics of CE in Tibet are still unclear. Based on recorded human CE cases and the use of a geographic information system, the spatial distribution patterns of CE prevalence at three different scales were analysed. In addition, a spatial agglomeration map of CE prevalence was generated based on cold/hot spot analysis. By combining maps of environmental and biological covariates with information about known human CE cases, the links between CE prevalence and relevant covariates were explored, revealing that the annual average precipitation, elevation, water accessibility and animal population (dog and yak) were associated with the prevalence of CE at the significance level of P < 0.05. Our results provide a novel insight and better understanding of the current situation of and the factors influencing CE in Tibet, which can help public health authorities develop disease prevention and control strategies.

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