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Baron Richthofens Letters. 1870-1972
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  • 责任者:Unknown
  • 责任方式:Unknown
  • 出版者:"North China Herald" Office
  • 出版年:1903
  • 出版地:Shanghai
  • 出版日期:1903/1/1 0:00:00
  • 分类号:208
  • 语言:English
I left Canton Oil January ist, went up the North river to Shau-chau-fu, and thence ,U5cetnded its western branch, the Wu-shui, to I-chang-hien, which is just past the frorntier of ll uroan. By a two days’ overland journey I reached Chin-chau, where I cml,u-kcd on a sma11l affucnt Of the Lui-ho. I then descended slowly the Lui-ho and Siamg-kiang rivers to Siam-tan. It was my intention to proceed from Siang-tan.

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