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Overview on Rupture Propagation Studies of Buried Ground-Fissures

     The number of buried ground fissures is much more than that of exposed ones. The buried ground fis- sures have brought about great hazards and thus attracted more attentions. Rupture propagation modes of buried ground fissures are affected by many factors including the displacement, inclination and activity rate of ground fis- sures, the properties, thickness and strata structure of overlying soil, as well as surface-water infiltration, groundw- ater exploitation, ground motion and time effects. The different combinations of these factors result in the complex mechanical mechanism of rupture propagation over buried ground fissures and make it difficult to reproduce the rup- ture propagation process. Currently, research methods of the rupture propagation are mainly about in-situ investiga- tion and exploration, model test, mechanical analysis and numerical simulation. The research contents focus on therupture propagation effect based on the change of single formation condition or inducing factor. Such future priority research subjects include 1 analyzing comprehensive effects and mechanical mechanism of rupture propagation un- der its formation geological conditions, multi-stage activity, long-term creeping motion and a variety of inducing fac- tors, 2studying on the rupture propagation process to track the fracture position and its influence width at a differ- ent depth, 3calculating the maximum vertical surface displacement caused by rupture propagation and the mini- mum safe overburden thickness under certain conditions, and 4determining unified methods and standards for the effect zone width of ground fissure. All these research subjects can use to interpret the actual fracture phenomena and provide the basis for the comprehensive prevention and control of ground fissures.

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