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Analysis of Basin-Mountain Evolution History in Northern Margin of Yilianhabierga Mountains by Using Apatite Fission-Track
By analyzing the apatite fission track data and forward modeling,the thermal history of relevant rock assemblage is studied qualitatively to semi-quantitatively in Junggar Basin. The result shows that three uplifting-exhumating stages appeared in the northern Yilianhabierga mountains: 1) from the late stage of Late Jurassic to the early stage of Early Cretaceous,with denuded thickness in Toutunhe of 1.5~2.0 km,in the south edge of Chaiwopu of about 1.0 km,and in the south edge of Tuositai of about 1.0 km;2) from the Late Cretaceous to the Early Paleogene,with denuded thickness reducing from the west to the east,in the south edge of Tuositai of 1.5~2.0 km,in Toutunhe of 1~1.5 km,and in the south edge of Chaiwopu of 0.8~1.0 km;and 3) since the end of Oligocene,being large uplifting and exhumation stage,with denuded thickness reducing from the west to the east,in the south edge of Tuositai of 4.0~5.0 km,in Toutunhe of about 3.0 km,and in the south edge of Chaiwopu of 2.0~2.5 km.

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