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Ore Characters and Gold Occurrences of Qingfenling Gold Deposit in Tianzhu County, Gansu Province
The ore types of the Qingfenling gold deposit in Tianzhu of Gansu province are quartz vein type and altered rock type. Ore textures are mainly idiomorphic - xenomorphic structure, and the primary ore structures are disseminated-pellets and rosette structure. Pyrite and limonite are Au-carrier minerals, which are important prospecting criteria. The occurrences of gold minerals are wrapped gold, intergranular gold and fissure gold. Most of the gold is fissuring type, and the secondary types are wrapped gold and intergranular. Main forms of gold are angular-granular, long angular-granular and rounded granular. The size of gold is coarse. The most gold is visible, and the micro gold is less.

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