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Logging Facies Analysis and Sedimentary Facies Identification Based on BP Neural Network
 Logging facies analysis is a method to study sedimentary facies on the basis of BP neural network.First,we have to divide the known areas of stratigraphic column into limited logging facies.Then we sould determine the transformational relation from electrofacies to sedimentary facies on the basis of mathematical methods and knowledge through research on cores and corresponding sedimentary facies.Taking advantage of such relationship establishes the sedimentary facies library.using MATLAB toolbox to establish the BP neural network model to study the characteristics of the logging curve of known sedimentary facies as training samples,classify the extrac-tion of logging characteristics,so that it can make sure the formation of sedimentary facies.Application shows that BP neural network can quickly identify sedimentary facies with high reliability,which can be used for logging fa-cies analysis and sedimentary facies.

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