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     第一,针对非线性时间序列的建模和预测问题,提出了一种特定的径向基神经网络类模型——局部变权重径向基神经网络模型(LVW-RBFN)。局部变权重径向基神经网络可认为是普通径向基神经网络的改进,它是由输入层、输出层、隐含层和权重层构成的四层前馈人工神经网络,隐含层的每个节点即为一个径向基函数并具有一个称之为网络中心的参数矢量,网络中心用以比对径向基函数的输入以得到相应的径向几何响应,这些响应通过与网络输入相关的局部变权重系数进行缩放,最后由它们组成整个网络的输出。局部变权重径向基神经网络模型(LVW-RBFN)相对于标准径向基网络需使用更多的线性参数,但这更有利于通过隐含层和权重层获得非线性时间序列的动态特性。一种结构化的非线性参数优化方法(SNPOM)被用来估计此模型,这种方法将需要的估计的参数分为线性参数空间和非线性参数空间,并通过LMM方法优化非线性参数,通过最小二乘法优化线性参数,且在参数的每次优化迭代过程中,非线性参数(线性参数)的更新紧紧跟随着线性参数(非线性参数)的更新。最后,利用提出的LVW-RBFN模型预测了三组著名的时间序列,分别为Mackey-Glass序列、the electroencephalography (EEG)和the Box-Jenkins data(请参考甘敏论文).并与其它一些最新提出的模型进行比较,研究结果表明了该模型的优越性。
     1)Mackey-Glass (MG)时间序列;为了与以前的工作保持一致,我们基于四阶龙格-库塔方法生成了两千个数据,时间步长为0.1,初始值x(0)=1.2。从生成的数据集来看,1000个数据中提取从第118到第1117个数据。前500个数据用于训练模型,而其余的500个用来测试该模型。LVW-RBF(10,4)模型被用来预测这个复杂的非线性时间序列的六步向前输出。得到的结果表明,与列表中的其他方法相比,该模型需要更少的隐含层神经元以及更少的中心就能产生更好的预测精度。它也显示,预测误差均值几乎为零,揭示了误差类似白噪声。
     第二,为了提高LVW-RBF的性能和进一步减少中心数量,本文提出基于局部多项式RBF神经网络的状态相依AR (LPRBF-AR)模型。LPRBFN是RBF的改进型,它的权重由输入的多项式函数表示。与LLRBFN不同之处在于,它的每个权重包含一个自由参数且是一个幂函数,其幂为正整数,而LLRBFN每个权重的幂等于1。它与回归权重RBF的不同之处在于,其权重不包含任何误差。实际上该误差被添加到网络输出。而回归权重RBF的每个权重的幂等于1,与LLRBFN情况一样。结构化非线性参数优化方法(SNPOM)用于估计该模型的参数。我们所提出的模型的性能和有效性用Mackey-Glass时间序列、Lorenz混沌时间序列、EEC和Box-Jenkins煤气炉时间序列评估。
     2)洛伦茨吸引子是洛伦茨振子的长期行为对应的分形结构。洛伦茨振子是一种能产生混沌流的三维动力系统。这一洛伦茨模型不只对非线性数学有重要性,对于气候和天气预报来说也很重要。声明变量σ,ρ,二者均为正数。为与早期的工作进行公平的比较,选取普朗特数α=10,瑞利数ρ=28,常数β=3/8。通过调节这些参数,并设置采样时间为0.01s,用55秒的时间来生成一个洛伦茨吸引子的长期轨迹,从而创建了一个单变量时间序列。为避免瞬态响应,应选取第35s到55s之间的数据集,得到2500个数据构成的集合。前1500个数据用于训练,后1000个用于测试。性能指标选取标准均方误差(Normalized Mean Square Error, NMSE)。将LPRBF-AR(4,3,2)和LPRBF-AR(5,3,2)的性能与其他知名方法进行比较。实际输出与估计输出的NMSE如下:使用训练集的LPRBF-AR(4,3,2)为1.53×10-12,LPRBF-AR(5,3,2)为1.10×10-14,而使用测试集的LPRBF-AR(4,3,2)为2.96×10-12,LPRBF-AR(5,3,2)为3.650×10-14。与其他方法相比,这些NMSE很小。可见LPRBF-AR(4,3,2)的表现比除了LPRBF-AR(5,3,2)之外的其他方法都要好。因此与其他模型相比,LPRBF-AR需要更少的中心数目。所提出模型表现出来的好的统计特性同样证明了模型能够有效地描述原始数据的动态特性。因此提供了一个更加精确的预测结果。
     3)对于EEG时间序列(正如(1)中描述的一样),LPRBF-AR (8,3,4)与其他所列举的算法相比有更小的预测误差和AIC。这证明通过LPRBF来逼近状态自回归方程的系数比目前所知道的其他类型的SD-AR和RBF算法有更加优越的性能。其次,训练数据和测试数据的预测误差都接近于白噪声。而且对于模拟震动时间序列常常发生大的建模误差都没有发现。所有的这些结果都显示LRBF-AR模型能够很好的揭示原始数据的动态性能。
     4)此部分给出了两个关于Box-Jenkins燃气炉时间序列的例子分析。第一个例子中,(1)给出了数据和条件。通过对比我们的模型和regressive weights RBF的建模结果,我们发现:所提出模型的MSE和这些regressive weights RBF模型一样,随着结点数目的增多而减少。而且相比其他的regressive weights RBF模型,LPRBF-AR模型只需要较少的隐含层节点数来取得更好的建模性能。在第二个例子中,考虑和(1)一样的原始数据,为了更加公平的对比我们的模型和其他模型的优缺点,我们采用同样的输入和相关条件。
     1) Mackey-Glass时间序列。采用和(第一)中相同的数据,利用LPWNN—SNPOM (4,10)模型对Mackey-Glass这一复杂非线性时间序列的未来六个步骤的输出进行了预测。结果显示,相比其它预测技术包括如LLWNN, LLNF和PG-RBF在内的工艺水平,该模型获得了一个训练和测试数据集小很多的RMSE。
     2)非线性动态系统,它可认为是一个输出非线性依赖于其过去值及输入,并附加了输入输出值影响的被控对象。为了和以前的成果进行公平对比,选用了200组数据来训练LPWNN-SNPOM(2,6)模型,以根的平均平方误差(RMSE)作为效果评估,将该模型与WNN-HLA, FALCON, SONFIN和SCFNN模型进行了比较。据观察可得,LPWNN-SNPOM (2,6)模型所产生的预测误差远远小于上文所提到的其它模型。另外还可得知,由于该模型的权重结构,该模型获得较好建模效果所需的参数和迭代次数更少。
     2) Mackey-Glass时间序列;在这一部分,两个方案和如在(2)一样的条件下进行研究,在第一种方案,通过利用不同的延迟得到的结果和那些在参考文献中的模型得到的结果进行比较来计算这个模型的性能值。三种不同权值基函数用于进行比较。结果表明当考虑同一滞后时,和RBF, RBF-AR, WNN-AR以及LLRBF-AR模型比较,所提出模型不仅会有一个更小的预测误差,而且有更小的AIC值。这也表明所提出模型比RBF, RBF-AR, WNN-AR以及LLRBF-AR模型需要更少的时间序列延迟来使性能达到更好。此外,我们可以看出FWWNN-AR模型未知数据的预测精度会降低为标准WNN-AR模型未知数据预测精度的40,47%,38,78%和56,21%分别对于5,6和7个滞后。这也证实FWWNN-AR模型是基于WNN-AR模型的一个改进。在第二个方案,此项方案的任务是从一个固定的输入中预测出y(t+6)。和其他例举的方法相比较,所提出模型能够得到更好的预测精度。在学习的过程中,通过SNPOM对基于3种权值基础函数的FWWNN-AR模型预测误差的反复估算,使预测误差会减小到一个很小的值。
     4)太阳黑子时间序列:如(3)中所描述的数据。在这个例子中一步向前预测使用FWWNN-ARX模型使用三种不同权重函数。MSE,RMSE和NMSE测试前面模型得来的太阳黑子时间序列,用来与参考文献中其他的一些经典方法做对比。对照可以发现在模型中输入层、隐含层、输出层均只要一个神经元,AR时间延迟为4。而第二个模型输入层需要五个神经元,隐含层需要7个,输出层需要5个神经元和7个recurrent neurons.因此本模型只需要更少的非线性参数就可以得到比其他模型更好的结果。在例子中,提出的所有的模型得到了相似的结果,同时也比标准的WNN-AR和其他模型效果更好。
     5)Australian sparkling wine time series:这个时间序列和章节(2)中提到一样,在2.2.2FWWNN-ARX中使用三种不同的权重的基函数。通过连续五年的平均绝对误差百分比(MAPE)和均方误差(MSE),并且按月,半年,一年得到平均值,以及与SARIMA的年平均作对比。从中得出本模型的半年平均和年平均有更好的效果,即使本模型中使用的是半年的数据值而SARIMA采用的年平均值。但是也有一些年份SRIMA模型有更好的效果。此外,所有模型中效果最好的年平均值,这是SARIMA作者的建议,数据按年来做计算。按照年数据FWWNN-AR1、FWWNN-AR4、FWWNN-AR5和SARIMA对比MAPE和MSE参数,FWWNN-AR5是效果最好的模型。该模型比标准的WNN-AR有着更好的效果,进一步证明了是比WNN-AR更好的模型。
     从AIC来看,本文提出的线性模型的AIC明显大于非线性模型。这说明非线性模型对这些数据的建模效果更好。这里同样列出了本文提出的非线性模型与其他的非线性模型的对比结果。第二个例子使用,y(t-1),u(t-3)及u(t-4)作为模型的输入来获得模型的输出y(t),u1(x(t-q))=x(t-q)2用来衡量基函数的权重。同样可以看到线性模型的AIC大于非线性模型的AIC。从结果可以看出来,非线性模型的更加适合用于对煤气炉的建模及预测。此外,与其他的非线性模型相比较,在获得同样的精度的条件下,本文提出的非线性模型使用了更少的神经网络节点。在第三个例子中使用y(t-1),u(t-3),u(t-4)和u(t-5)作为模型的输入,u1(x(t-q))=x(t-q)2用来衡量基函数的权重。同样可以看出,本文提出的线性模型的AIC比本文所提出的非线性模型的AIC要大,非线性模型更加适合对煤气炉模型进行建模和预测。同样可以看到本文提出的非线性模型的MSE是0.086,而Nie所提出来的模型的MSE是57.98。在第四个例子中使用y(t-1),u(1-2),u(t-3),u(t-5)和u(t-6)作为模型的输入,u1(x(t-q))=x(t-q)2用来衡量基函数的权重。前200个数据用来训练模型,后40个数据用来测试模型。获得的线性模型的AIC与非线性模型比较,在训练数据中线性模型的AIC较大,而训练数据中的线性模型的AIC较小。这意味着线性模型比非线性模型更加适合。这是因为输入和输出有很强的线性结构。因而在这个例子中提出的线性模型的MSE比非线性模型的MSE更小。最后一个例子中使用y(t-1),y(t-2),y(t-3),y(t-4),u(t-1),u(t-2),u(t-3), u(t-4),u(t-5)和u(t-6)。这种结构广泛使用。u1(x(t-q))=x(t-q)11用来衡量基函数的权重。为了跟以前的工作进行比较,使用的数据为290个,前145个数据用来训练本文提出的模型。可以看出来本文提出的线性模型的AIC远大于非线性模型的AIC。这意味着对于这一组输入的煤气炉的数据,非线性模型更加适合用来建模和预测。此外,本文提出的非线性模型因为只用到了一层隐含层,因而用到的参数比其他的模型更少。与第二好的模型对比,FWWNN-AR1(1,1,10)模型在训练数据上的MSE比第二好的模型小77.34%,在测试数据上比第二好的模型小36.74%。有这么好的结果,主要是因为本文提出的模型的权重是动态的。
     最后,将提出的FWWNN-AR模型在控制中进行了应用,一种基于ARX模型的扩展指数型小波神经网络(EW-WNN-ARX)模型作为模型预测控制的内模用以对船舶进行控制。为了得到稳定的系统,用航向偏离角角速度作为模型输出,建立EW-WNN-ARX模型来描述动态船舶航向偏离角和舵角之间的差异。为了描述船舶的动态非线性特征,滚动角作为状态特征量用以引导模型参数变化以反映船舶的运动状态。采用SNPOM离线辨识EW-WNNN-ARX模型以避免在线优化带来的诸多问题,估计出的模型实质是一个以航向偏离角描述船舶位置轨迹误差特征的数学模型,这种模型是统计模型和数学模型的结合体,称为E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM模型。通过该模型可建立起船舶运动的状态空间模型并将其作为模型预测控制(MPC)的内模以实现船舶跟踪期望轨迹连续运动。E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM数据来自于Shioji-MARU experimental ship of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology of Japan。建模与控制结果表明了基于离线辨识的E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM能描述大范围过程的全局非线性特性。
Time series are an integral part of our lives. They are found in the field of social and natural sciences, engineering and economy. The need for their analysis, modeling, prediction and control has become more urgent. Generally, the main objective of time series analysis is to develop models that can establish the relation between variables. To serve these purposes, various models ranging from linear to nonlinear have been developed throughout the time. Usually, when the relation among different time series variables is linear, linear models are more suitable. On the other hand, when this relation is nonlinear, nonlinear models are more suitable. Linear models are easier to identify and implement. However, most real world systems are governed by nonlinear rules, hence, the importance of nonlinear modeling technique in dealing with time series.
     In this thesis, the problematic of modeling and prediction of time series together with the control issues are considered. Four new models were developed including two fully nonlinear models that are enhanced type of neural networks and two more generalized models that are a combination of enhanced type of neural network with a linear model, thus having both a linear and nonlinear capability. Furthermore, a generalized nonlinear model is used as internal model to address the tracking issue of the real ship. The main work and innovations of this thesis are summarized as follows.
     Firstly, a special type of RBF namely the Local Variable-Weights RBF Network (LVW-RBFN) was developed to investigate the modeling and forecasting problem of nonlinear time series. The LVW-RBFN is a four layered RBFN comprising of input layer, hidden layer, weight layer and output layer. It is an enhanced type of RBF network, in which the constant weights that connect the hidden layer with the output layer in the standard RBFN are replaced by functions of the RBFN's inputs computed via the weight layer. A structured nonlinear parameter estimation method (SNPOM) is applied to estimate the model. Case studies on several benchmark time series show that the prediction performance of the LVW-RBFN model is superior to other newly developed models including the RBF thus confirming that the proposed model is an enhanced type of RBF.
     Secondly, the modeling and prediction problems of nonlinear time series are addressed using radial basis function network with polynomial type weights (LPRBF) to approximate the functional coefficients of the general state-dependent autoregressive (SD-AR) model. The LPRBF differs from the RBF by its weight form; the LPRBF has polynomial type weights, which are dynamic and vary with the network input, while the weights of the RBF are constants they are not affected by the change in the input of the network. The LPRBF is a more generalized form of RBF. It may be considered as an improved version of the RBF. Thus the LPRBF.-AR can be regarded as an enhanced version of previous RBF-AR model and local linearly RBF based AR (LLRBF-AR) model. A fast-converging estimation method known as the structured nonlinear parameter optimization method (SNPOM) is applied to estimate the LPRBF-AR. Case studies on various time series and chaotic systems show that the LPRBF-AR modeling approach exhibits much better prediction accuracy compared with some other existing methods.
     Thirdly, an enhanced type of wavelet neural network, known as Local Polynomial Wavelet Neural Network with a Structured Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Method (LPWNN-SNPOM) is introduced. This is a five layered wavelet neural network comprising of input, output, wavelet, product and polynomial layers, which computes the weight as a function of inputs. These weights are dynamic and play an active part in the prediction. The LPWNN-SNPOM is an improvement of the Wavelet Neural Network with a Hybrid Learning Approach (WNN-HLA). These two models have mainly three differences:i) The LPWNN-SNPOM method contains a bias, ii) The single parameter weights connecting the hidden layer with the output in the WNN-HLA are replaced by polynomial functions of the inputs in the LPWNN-SNPOM, allowing the weights to vary with the changes in the inputs and share the dynamics with the wavelet compartment, iii) Unlike the WNN-HLA, which uses an online optimization approach, the LPWNN-SNPOM makes usage of an offline optimization approach known as the Structured Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Method (SNPOM). The performance and effectiveness of the proposed model are illustrated using several examples, whose results show the feasibility of the proposed model and demonstrate that it improved upon the WNN-HLA and performed better than some other well-known models.
     Fourthly, the problems of modeling and prediction of time series are investigated with a newly introduced model namely the functional weights wavelet neural network-based state-dependent AR (FWWNN-AR) model. This model consists of combining an enhanced WNN named as a Functional Weights Wavelet Neural Network (FWWNN) to approximate the state dependant coefficients of the AR. The FWWNN-AR model possesses both the advantages of the state-dependent AR model in the description of nonlinear dynamics using few nodes and of the FWWN network in functional approximation considering mutually the time and frequency spaces. The FWWNN is a five-layered network structure comprising of an input layer, wavelet layer, product layer, output layer and functional weight layer. The functional weight layer computes the weight as a function of inputs, making the weights to vary with the inputs and share the dynamics with the wavelet compartment. The proposed model learns the dynamics of nonlinear time series from three distinct levels:AR level, wavelet compartment level and weights level. Different basis functions could be used as functional weight. However, in this thesis, these functions are chosen in such a way that the FWWNN has the standard WNN as one of its component which means that the FWWNN-AR will always perform better than the WNN-AR. Thus the FWWNN-AR can be seen as an improvement of the WNN-AR. Furthermore, the linear version of the FWWNN-AR may be obtained by choosing the translation to tend to infinity. The proposed model is validated by comparing its performances and effectiveness with those achieved by some well-known models on both generated and real nonlinear time series.
     Finally, the proposed models are investigated for the control issue. To this ends, the FWWNN-AR model, specifically the expanded exponential weight wavelet network based ARX (EW-WNN-ARX) model, which is used as based for developing the internal model of MPC with the aim to control a maritime vehicle. In order to achieve an almost stationary system, the difference of heading angle deviation is used instead of the heading angle. The EW-WNN-ARX model is used to describe the ship motion between the difference of heading angle deviation and the rudder angle of the ship. To represent the ship motion's nonlinearity, rolling angle is used as model index to allow the model parameters vary with ship moving state. After identification of The EW-WNN-ARX by an offline method known as SNPOM to avoid a possible failure that may occur during online identification procedure, the difference of heading angle deviation are expanded and integrated into mathematical model (MM) to characterize the position tracking error of the ship. The model resulting is a combination of statistical and mathematical model namely the E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM model. The E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM model is then used to develop the state-space type tracking motion model which is used as internal model of the MPC to steer ship moving forward with constant velocity along a predefined reference path. The E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM is developed using data obtained from the Shioji-MARU experimental ship of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology of Japan. The modeling and control results achieved demonstrate that the proposed E-EW-WNN-ARX-MM-identified off-line can describe the global nonlinear property of the process over a wide region.
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