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     本研究的研究方法涉及到定性研究与定量研究两部分。通过对获得的可量化的数据进行分析,获得一些可定性的文化共性及差异。本研究的数据收集方式是通过问卷进行的DCT测试,包括SDCT, WDCT和MDCT。问卷包含英语,日语及汉语三个版本。问卷设置了四个社会群体,每个社会群体下面分别设有两种情景,其一是社会权力较高的一方要对社会权力较低的一方道歉,其二则相反。
     根据数据分析得知:“IFID”和“Offer of repair”是被大家普遍使用的策略,其它六个策略的使用比例因情景及不同的语言背景而有所差异。前四个情景中策略的使用很大程度上受到社会地位的影响;而后四个情景则很受冒犯程度的影响。
     美国上级更乐意使用较少的策略与较少的INTENSIFIERS,除了“IFID”和“Offer of repair”之外,“Explanation”和“Taking responsibility”是两个他们选择较多的策略(主要出现在情景3和情景5中)。美国下级使用的策略也不多,但多多少少会使用一些INTENSIFIERS表示对他们上级的尊重。从INTENSIFIERS的分析可以看出,他们上下级之间体现的差异是很小的,远远比不上日本人和中国人,这也许意味着美国人不像日本人和中国人那样看重社会权力。
     日本上级在前两个策略“IFID”和“Offer of repair”之外喜欢使用“Taking responsibility”“Showing concern”及“Promise of forbearance”。为了不使听话人丢失脸面,他们更乐意使用消极礼貌策略而非积极礼貌策略,并且他们使用了最多的INTENSIFIERS尤其是各种形式的敬语。但比起他们的下属来,他们使用的INTENSIFIERS要少,敬语也是以简体形式出现。日本下级更乐于一次使用更多的、复杂的策略,比如:“IFID”,“Responsibility”,“Promise of forbearance”,“Offer of repair”及“Showing concern”。在使用INTENSIFIERS方面,日本上下级之间表现出了最大的差异,他们更加注重社会地位。社会权力对他们策略的选择产生了很大的影响。
     中国上级为了表示对下级的关注,安抚下级,避免其没面子,更可能使用复杂的方式表示道歉,如:“IFID”,“Explanation”,“Showing concern”及“Offer of repair”尤其是“Showing concern”和“Offer of repair”的使用频率要比另外两个语言背景下的人们使用得多。下级更乐意一次使用比上级更多的策略,并愿意为自己的过失做出解释,同时承诺再也不犯这样的错误。从INTENSIFIERS的使用来看,上下级的差异仅次于日本人,对社会权力或社会地位也是相当重视的。
A contrastive study has been conducted in this thesis among American English, Japanese and Chinese in terms of the impact of social power on apology speech act, aiming at analyzing the apology strategies adopted by participants, and in particular, the relationship between super-ordinates and subordinates so as to uncover the underlying differences of the culture and value in different nations.
     The ultimate purpose of the present research is to understand which culture attaches more importance to social power, to get an insight into the cultural differences for better communication and to teach students to use appropriate apology strategies in different situations. The present research may enrich the speech act theory and offer instructions on communication.
     The present research involves qualitative and quantitative analyses in terms of situations and strategies. Analyses on the quantitative data obtained enable the author to find out cultural similarities and differences. Data collecting includes interviews as well as DCT tests through questionnaires in English, Japanese and Chinese; the questionnaires contain four social groups, each of which containing two sub-situations: one is super to sub and the other is sub to super.
     Referring to the previous research achivements, eight strategies are adopted in the thesis. They are: IFID; Offer of repair; Taking responsibility; Explanation; Promise of forebearance; Showing concern; Minimizing the degree of offense and Objecting apologizing.
     Data analyses indicate that“IFID”and“Offer of repair”are two popular strategies adopted by all language users. In terms of situations, the first four situations are greatly affected by social power, and the last four situations are much influenced by severity of offence. Even though there are many similarities, differences can not be ignored.
     American super-ordinates use less number of strategies and intensifiers;“Explanation”(mainly in Situations 3 and 5) and“Taking responsibility”are their popular choices besides“IFID”and“Offer of repair”. American subordinates tend to use fewer strategies; they show respect to super-ordinates through intensifiers to some degree, and they use much less intensifiers than Japanese and Chinese do. The slightest difference in the use of intensifiers can be shown between super and sub, indicating that Americans seem to be careless about social power so much as Japanese and Chinese.
     Japanese super-ordinates like to use“Taking responsibility”,“Showing concern”and“Promise of forbearance”besides“IFID”and“Offer of repair”. They use more negative politeness strategies than positive ones, fewer intensifiers than subordinates, and more honorifics in simplified style. Japanese subordinates like to use various types of honorifics like“sonkeigo”,“kenjyogo”in“keitai”, and to use many intensifiers and complicated ways to express apologies like“IFID”,“Responsibility”,“Promise of forbearance”,“Offer of repair”“Showing concern”. The greatest difference in the use of intensifiers can be shown between super and sub, indicating that Japanese pay more attention to social power.
     Chinese super-ordinates are likely to use complicated ways to apologize, adopting“IFID”,“Explanation”,“Showing concern”and“Offer of repair”together. In order to show concern to his or her staff, to save the victim’s negative face, they use“Showing concern”and“Offer of repair”more often than the other two. Chinese subordinates put more strategies together and are more likely to explain why they made the mistake or promise never to repeat the mistake. The use of intensifiers shows that Chinese is next to Japanese in the use of intensifiers, which shows that Chinese also lay emphasis on social power.
     The result shows that American culture is a low-context culture and is characterized by the rights and autonomy of individuals, and people rely on personal judgments and actions, while Chinese culture, and Japanese culture belonging to high-context culture put more emphasis on social harmony; they are negative-politeness-oriented, and pay more attention to social power than Americans.
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