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Depression is a syndrome with the characteristic of chronic and obvious turndown in spirits. Depression is a kind of serious mental disease followed with a set of physical symptom. Functional dyspe-psia(FD) that is a main physical symptom of depression damages life quality of patients.It has been paid attention in clinical and the therapy aimed at FD might be a valid way to depression.Western medicine adopt the medicine of driving gastrointestinal motivity,restrain acid stomach and anti- depression usually to control depressive mood and alleviate symptoms.But the side-effects of anti-depression medicine is numerous,for example nausea ,abdomen uncomfortable ,appetite descent ,mouth dry and constipation.These side-effects could aggravate the state of depression and affect curative effect.However the traditional Chinese medicine has its predominance in treatment of depression because it has nice curative effect and few side-effects. Therefore, finding a method to treat depression and also improve the digestive function becomes an important problem in researching field. Acupuncture, one of the major parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has a universal function which could balance the situation of the people. Moreover, it has the prevalence of no side effects. But what effects the electroacupucnture (EA) will have on the digestive function of depression mood and which is the mechanism are still unreported. So the research will robe into this problem,the report includes literature review and experemental study.
     Objective: With the aim of searching for the mechanism that EA alleviate FD of depression mood ,we did the research with the long-time unpredicted chronic stress model rats (which are raised alone) and observed the influence of EA on behavior observation,Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis(HPA axis), brain-gut peptides and enteric nervous system(ENS).
     Methods:①To adopt chronic stress are used unpredictable and raised alone to make depressive models;
     ②The rats were randomly allocated to six groups follows: control,depression model ,blinding,Flu,“BAIHUI,YINTANG”and“BAIHUI,YINTANG, TIANSHU”;
     ③We studied the open-field ,swim experiment,weight,appetite of rats. Evaluate if we made a successful long-time chronic stress model.Analysis EA effects model rats` behavior;
     ④To measure the CRF in hypothalamus and CORT in serum by RIA method in order to judge the state of HPA axis in depression mood and the effect of EA;
     ⑤T o measure the SS in hypothalamus and GAS,MLT in blood by RIA method in order to observe the effect of depression on brain-gut peptides and the action of EA;
     ⑥To measure the iNOS,NO in colon by colorimetry and the COX-2 in colon by immunohistochemical technology.Observe the effect of depression on ENS and the action of EA.
     Results:①After 3 weeks of chronic stress, the rearing times and the crossing times of the model rats significantly decreased compared with the rats of the control group (P<0.01).The stillness time during swim of rats in the model and binding group increased significantly (P<0.01),the weight rise slowly,the appetite reduced obviously(P<0.01).The upward guide lines all were alleviated by EA and the appetite of rats in No 2 EA group were higher than Flu group.
     ②The CRF in hypothalamus and CORT in serum of model rats increased significantly compared with the rats of the control group (P<0.01),and decreased increased significantly. The curative effect EA is equal to Flu.
     ③T he SS in hypothalamus and MLT in blood of model rats decreased significantly compared with the rats of the control group (P<0.01),but GAS in blood increase(P<0.01). The SS and MLT increased significantly increased significantly,and GAS decreased (P<0.01).The curative effect EA is excel to Flu.
     ④The iNOS,NO and the COX-2 in colon increased significantly compared with the rats of the control group (P<0.01).They decreased increased significantly. The curative effect EA is excel to Flu (P<0.01).
     ⑤The group of“BAIHUI,YINTANG, TIANSHU”is better than the group of“BAIHUI,YINTANG”in improving appetite (P<0.05)and modulating the secretion of ENS(P<0.01).
     Conclusion:①Depression could result in the maladjustment of HPA, the abnormity of brain-gut peptides and the secretion of ENS.It affects“the relation of brain-gut”and produces FD of depression mood.
     ②EA could modulate HPA axise, brain-gut peptides and the secretion of ENS,so EA modify FD of depression mood.The result of research hint that EA is better than Flu in improving weight and appetite, modulating brain-gut peptides and ENS.
     ③The group of“BAIHUI,YINTANG, TIANSHU”is better than the group of“BAIHUI,YINTANG”in improving appetite and modulating the secretion of ENS.Its curative effect of modify FD is excel to the group of“BAIHUI,YINTANG”.
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