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Since the summer of 2007, owing to the boom of world resource commodity markets, the aggravation of global economic imbalance and the rise of emerging economies, Sovereign wealth funds which are mostly built by oil exporting countries and East-Asian countries, are developing quickly and becoming the greatest events in the fields of world economy and international finance in the early part of the 21st century. Governments, medias and research institutes all over the world, especially in the advanced economies such as the Europe and the United States, give a lot attention to the development of SWFs.
     The development of SWFs indicates that the excess foreign exchange reserves round the world will leave the low risk and return investment portfolio towards high risk and return investment portfolio, and this strategic diversion will have great influence on international finance stabilization, global capital market structure, global economic imbalance and so on. On the same time, the equity investment behaviors made by these state investment entities, will affect the management and profit of their target companies greatly. Therefore, it is very important to study the actuality and economic effects of SWFs, especially the influencing mechanism of macro and micro economic effects, and this thesis will be helpful to normalize the develop pattern of SWFs and make the global capital market be improving day by day.
     Since the reform and opening up especially 1990s of the last century, people all over the world fix their eyes on the success of China's economic development. China has become the firstly greatest engine of the world's economic development. But China's economy still suffers from some structural problems, such as the imbalance between foreign and domestic capital, the imbalance between real and fictitious economy, the weakness of international asset management by domestic financial institutes, the great pressure and challenge on huge foreign exchange reserves, The lack of pricing rights in international commodity markets etc. All these problems ask the Chinese government to build up a set of state investment institutes with powerful capital, flexible institution and stick to the principle that national interest is prior to organizational interest. SWFs will be the key members in this set of state investment institutes. Therefore, in the post-financial-crisis era, China should draw lessons from other advanced SWF countries, study the economic effects of China's SWFs, try to build a integrated SWF develop strategy. All these jobs will be important to help China keeping and increasing the value of state assets, improving the ability of international factor allocation, and guarantee the economic safety of China.
     The current research achievements on SWFs around the world are mostly qualitative researches, and quantitative researches are very infrequent. This thesis uses different types of mathematical models such as Global Macro Economic Model and International Asset Pricing Model, and uses different types of empirical research methods such as statistical analysis, event study and case study, then makes a intensive study of the economic effects of SWFs and the strategy choice of China. Firstly, this thesis perfectly studies the macro background upon which the SWFs around the world could emerge quickly, explore the nature of SWFs as New State Capitalism Economy, then anatomizes the develop actuality of the world's SWFs as a whole. Secondly, this thesis uses SWFs as factor in a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model with two regions, especially focus on the influence mechanism among the asset size of SWFs, asset proportion of investment portfolio and global macro economic indices. Thirdly, this thesis uses the method of event study to measure the influence of SWFs'investments on target companies'stock prices, estimates the future asset size of the global SWFs from three scenarios, and then studies their influence on four types of global asset prices. Fourthly, this thesis extends the event study to the investment by China SWFs, study their economic effects and investment performance.
     Main conclusions of this thesis include:1) The study of the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model with two regions shows that, regardless what investment portfolio SWFs chose, the emergence of SWFs will make the US dollar depreciate incoordinately, make the US exorbitant privilege decline incoordinately, and make the emerging economies much more productive and stronger.2)The announcement of an acquisition by a SWF has a transitory intense positive impact on the stock price of the target company, but there is no lasting effect. Under the Mean Adjusted Return Model, the positive impact on the stock price is 2.9 percent, and under the Market Model with GARCH estimation, the positive impact on the stock price is 2.57 percent. Subsamples shows that, SWFs'micro economic effects on real economic department are much stronger than that on fictitious economic department, the abnormal return during the subprime crisis is much small but have longer persistence, higher acquire proportion will make a much bigger and more evident abnormal return, abnormal return from the investment in emerging markets are much more evident.3)By the emergence of SWFs, the influence of SWFs on the returned rate of risky asset and risk-free asset are of the same direction, but it is much more notable on the risk-free asset; the influence on equity premium and price-earnings ratio are also of the same direction, and is much more notable as SWFs become stronger; the direction of SWFs'influence on equity premium and price-earnings ratio is opposite to that of risky and risk-free asset; transferring 80 percent of the new current account surplus to SWFs every year is the inflexion point of SWFs'influence on the four asset prices.4) Now China has four SWFs, includes China Investment Corporation, SAFE Investment Company, National Social Security Fund and China-Africa Development Fund, China's SWFs have the most asset size as a whole in the world. The abnormal return of the investment behaviors by China's SWFs is much weaker than that by the world SWFs as a whole, but the average compounded abnormal return from "buy and hold" of China's SWFs is much higher than the global level; about one year after the investment, China's SWFs will get their best investment performance.
     The main innovation of this thesis includes four aspects. Firstly, this thesis perfectly studied the external background upon which the SWFs emerge quickly in the early part of the 21st century, and gave fire-new point of view, such as SWFs are the productions of global economic imbalance, and SWFs are the updated representatives of the New State Capitalism in the emerging economies. Secondly, this thesis tried to use SWFs as a factor in macro economic model, connecting SWFs with the asset proportion of foreign investment portfolio in General Equilibrium Model and investor risk averse in Asset Pricing Model, then use the method of robustness test to measure the macro economic effect. Thirdly, using different classification standard, this thesis classified the global sample to subsample of real and fictitious economic department, financial crisis and non-financial crisis era, high and low investment proportion, advanced and emerging market, and then compared the difference of micro economic effects between orresponding subsamples. Fourthly, this thesis is the first empirical research in academia about the economic effect of China's SWF, using the average compounded abnormal return of "buy and hold" to measure the long-run investment performance of China's SWFs.
①参见IWG. Sovereign Wealth Funds Generally Accepted Principles and Practices "Santiago Principles" [R]. IMF. 2008.
    ②Devlin & Brummitt指出,从金融稳定性角度来说,主权财富基金与其他市场参与者并没有太大区别,它们与私人或公共部门的机构投资者一样有相似的目标、经营方式和动机。与对冲基金的情形相类似,认为主权财富基金信息披露不足会带来市场不稳定是没有根据的。同时,考虑到其他投资者的博弈行为,完全的信息披露未必是最优的。详见Devlin. W.& Brummitt, B. A few sovereigns more: the rise of sovereign wealth funds [R]. the Australian Treasury.2007
    ②IMF(2008)指出,当前没有关于这种多样化投资组合的资产配置的确切数据,他们是根据资本市场上对于一个被很好建立的、多样化投资的主权财富基金的投资组合的信息而判断出来的。详见Roy. S. Money and mystery. ADIA unveils its secrets [J]. Euromoney.2006.37(444)
    ① GIMF5是Kumhof-Laxton模型的扩展,包含了美国、欧元区、日本、新兴亚洲和其他国家等五个单独的模型。详见Kumhof & Laxton. A Party Without a Hangover? On the Effects of U.S. Fiscal Deficits [R]. IMF,2007
    ①约翰·霍普金斯大学的Christopher D. Carroll和Olivier Jeanne已经在尝试将主权财富基金纳入宏观经济模型,并且得到初步的研究成果,详见Carroll & Jeanne (2009).
    ①根据摩根士丹利的研究报告,石油美元的规模可以从存量和流量两个角度来衡量,前者是指石油探明储量的货币价值,而后者则是指年度石油出口额。参见Stephen Jen & Charles St-Arnaud, "A Petrodollar Tsunami Warning", Morgan Stanley Global Economic Forum, February 22,2008.
    ①详见IMF. Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) [Z]. April,2007
    ①详见Steffen Kern. Sovereign Wealth Funds-state investments on the rise [R]. Deutsche Bank Research, September 10,2007.
    ②本文所指的新兴经济体,绝不仅仅是指新兴市场国家,而是泛指全球所有的新兴市场和发展中国家,即IMF国家统计系列中的Emerging and Developing Economies,是世界各国中除了西方发达国家、新兴亚洲工业化国家等发达经济体之外的诸多新兴市场化国家和发展中国家的总称,具体包括中东欧、独联体、亚洲发展中国家、拉美和加勒比、中东和北非以及撒哈拉以南地区的众多国家。
    ① George Wehrfritz, "The New State Capitalists", Newsweek International, May 1,2006.
    ②英国渣打银行首席经济学家Gerard Lyons在2007年撰文“国家资本主义如何改变世界”指出,国家资本主义和资源国家主义将成为这个时代的两个主要经济问题,详见Gerard Lyons, "How state Capitalism could change the world", The Financial Times, June 8,2007.
    ③美国耶鲁大学管理学院教授Jeffrey Garten则在2008年撰文称“全球进入”国家资本主义‘时代”,详见Jeffrey Garten, "The unsettling zeitgeist of state capitalism", The Financial Times, January 14,2008.
    ④英国《金融时报》首席经济评论员Martin Wolf撰文指出,国家正在成为资源和财富的所有者,详见Martin Wolf, "We are living in a brave new world of state capitalism", The Financial Times, October 22,2007.
    ①详见Stephen Jen, "The Definition of a Sovereign Wealth Fund", Morgan Stanley Research Global October 26, 2007.
    ②数据来源于Steffen Kern, "Sovereign Wealth Funds-state investments on the rise", Deutsche Bank Research, September 10,2007。
    ①详见Federal Reserve. Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States: Annual Flows and Outstandings 2005-2009. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. March 11.2010. B.100 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations.
    ③数据来自于Elena L. Nguyen, The International Investment Position of the United States at Yearend 2008, BEA, July 2009. http://www.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2009/07%20.lulv/0709 iip.pdf.
    ④详见Farrell, D., Lund. S.& Skau, O. Mapping global capital markets: Fifth annual report [R]. McKinsey Global Institute.2008.
    ⑤详见Loser. C. M. Global financial turmoil and Emerging Market Economies:Major contagion and a shocking loss of wealth? [R]. Asian Development Bank.2009.
    ① Sa & Viani(2009)研究发现美国投资者将73%的财富投资在股票市场上,而将其余的27%投资在债券市场上。
    ②欧洲央行2009年5月发布的统计数据显示,截至2008年第四季度,欧元区家庭的金融资产规模为16.45万亿欧元,其中584亿欧元投资在短期债券上,1.21万亿欧元投资在长期债券上,5903亿欧元投资在上市股票上,而1.69万亿欧元投资在非上市股票和其他股票上,因而其投资在股票市场上的资产比例约为64%,而2007年第四季度这一比例为72%。详见ECB (2008,2009). ECB Monthly Bulletin. May 2009 and July 2008. European Central Bank. http://www.eeb.int/pub/mb/html/index.en.html③日本央行的最新统计数据显示,截至2009年第三季度,日本家庭投资在债券上的资产为54.87万亿日元,而投资在股票上的资产约为97.18万亿日元,因而其投资在股票市场上的资产比例约为64%。详见The Bank of Japan, Flow of Funds,3rd Quarter 2009. http://www.boj.or.jp/en/theme/research/stat/sj/index.htm
    ④美国净外债的数据来源于Nguyen(2009)。该BEA的统计资料显示,截至2008年底,美国所有的海外资产约为19.89万亿美元,而外国人持有的美国资产约为23.36万亿美元,因而美国的净外债约等于3.47万亿。详见Elena L. Nguyen, The International Investment Position of the United States at Yearend 2008, BEA, July 2009. http://www.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2009/07%20.July/0709 iip.pdf.
    ⑤美国个人消费支出(Personal Consumption Expenditures)的数据来自BEA网站,http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/nipa underlying/Table View.asp?Selected Table=14 & ViewSeries=Yes & Java=
    ①过度特权(The exorbitant privilege)是20世纪60年代由时任法国财政部长的瓦莱里·吉斯卡尔·德斯坦(Valery Giscard d'Estaing)创造性地提出来的,而大多数人则将该术语归功于当时的法国领导人戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle),认为他也持有类似观点。当时的过度特权主要是指美国由于美元作为国际储备货币而得到的好处,美国不会面临收支平衡的危机,因为它可以使用本国货币购买外国商品。
    ② Gourinchas & Rey (2005)估算了战后美国过度特权的变化,发现自1952年以来美国的总资产相对于总负债确实存在着一个相当大的超额收益,而布雷顿森林体系的崩溃则推动了超额收益的增加。其中过度特权主要来自于收益效应,但是结构效应也是确实存在的。详见Gourinchas. P. O.& Rey. H. From World Banker to World Venture Capitalist:US External Adjustment and the Exorbitant Privilege [R]. CEPR Discussion Paper. 2005.
    ① Gourinchas & Rey (2005)的估计结果是美国的过度特权规模约为3.32%,其中2.45%来自于收益效应,而0.86%来自于结构效应。而Sa&Viani(2009)的估计结果是美国的过度特权规模约为3.85%,其中2.65%来自于收益效应,而1.2%来自于结构效应。
    ② Triffin(1946,1960)的基本思想是,判断一国储备水平是否充分.应根据该国是否有能力用自身的资源来为国际交易可预见的赤字进行融资。为此,一个简单直观的指标是一国持有的储备额对该国进口额的比。如换成月份来折算,则一国储备充分性的比率,应当是其储备大约相当于该国3-4个月的进口价值额。另一个重要的指标是储备对短期对外负债比率,即所谓"Geenspan-Guidotti规则“。这一规则的具体内容是,对新兴经济体来说,它们持有的外汇储备量,最低必需能足以支付在下一年内要到期支付的外债总量。这一标准中的外债,包括了短期的、期限为一年内的外债,但也包括那些虽然总的期限超过一年,但其中在下一年将要到期偿还的那部分外债。详见张志超.最优国际储备理论与测度:文献综述[R].中国社科院国际金融研究中心.2009。
    ①新兴亚洲和石油出口国是当前设立主权财富基金的主要国家, Beck & Fidora(2008)利用这些国家官方外汇储备减去三个月进口需求和全部的短期外债来计算过剩储备。详见Beck. R.& Fidora. M. The impact of sovereign wealth funds on global financial markets [R]. European Central Bank,2008.
    ①IMF(2008)将主权财富基金的投资组合比例分为两种类型,挪威型的主权财富基金投资组合将60%的资产投资在股票,而将其余的40%投资在债券。而基于市场分析的多样化投资组合(Diversified Portfolio),则将23%投资在债券上,55%投资在股票上,7%投资在不动产上,7.5投资在对冲基金上,7.5%投资在私募基金上。而对于央行的外汇储备,则简单化假定储备资产100%投资在债券上。而在货币结构上,IMF(2008)估计挪威型主权财富基金将31.8%的资产投资在美元资产上,其他货币资产的比例为68.2%,而多样化投资组合的货币结构比例为38:62。本文考虑的主权财富基金是多样化投资组合,而不是相对保守的挪威型。详见Annex 1.Table 1.Stylized Portfolio Asset Allocation and Currency Composition, IMF. Sovereign Wealth FundS-A Work Agenda [R].IMF,2008.
    Fama E.F. The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices [J]. Journal of Business,1965.38(1).34-105.
    ①平均异常收益的显著性检验主要参考的是约翰.Y.坎贝尔(John Y. Campbell)的《金融市场计量经济学》一书第4章。详见约翰.Y.坎贝尔等著,朱平芳等译,《金融市场计量经济学》,上海财经大学出版社,2003年4月。
    ②这17个主权财富基金分别是中国的中投公司、社保基金理事会、华安投资公司,卡塔尔的卡塔尔投资局,新加坡的淡马锡和GIC,阿联酋的迪拜世界、迪拜投资公司、迪拜国际金融中心、阿布扎比投资局、穆巴达拉发展公司、国际石油投资公司,科威特的科威特投资局,澳大利亚的未来基金,韩国的KIC,利比亚的利比亚投资局,马来西亚的Khazanah Nasional Berhad.
    ④详见Maslakovic.M.Sovereign Wealth Funds 2010[R].International Financial Services London.2010.
    ①详见Roxburgh. C.. Lund. S.. Atkins. C., et al. Global capital markets:Entering a new era [R]. McKinseym Global Institute.2009.在2008年全球金融资产178万亿的存量中,股票占34万亿,私人债券占51万亿,政府债券占32万亿,银行存款占61万亿,本章将前两种定为风险资产,后两种定为安全资产,因此全球金融资产中安全资产和风险资产的比率大约为1比1。
    ②详见IMF. World Economic Outlook Update: Restoring Confidence without Harming Recovery[R]. IMF,2010.
    ⑤确定这一比例的原则来自于挪威的主权财富基金,作为世界上成立较早、最有代表性并且是透明度最高的主权财富基金,它们一直保持着基准资产组合,即60%投资于股权等风险资产,而40%投资于收益固定的安全资产。详见Larsen. P. T. Sovereign funds snap up bank stakes [N]. The Financial Times,2007, September 25.
    ④详见Barro. R. J. Rare Events and the Equity Premium [R]. NBER Working Paper No.11310.2005.
    ①详见Miles. D.. Baker. M.& Pillonca. V. What Should Equities and Bonds Be Worth in a Risky World? [R]. Morgan Stanley.2005.
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    ①详见美联储统计发布, http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h15/data.htm,2008-01-20.
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