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1998年,美国加利福尼亚州居民,劳工运动积极分子Marc Kasky一纸诉状将美国耐克公司(Nike)告到加州地方法院,诉称Nike在一系列社会公共关系活动中进行虚假和误导性宣传,旨在否认其东南亚和中国供应商的工厂中有侵害劳工权益的行为,而这些虚假陈述违反了加州商业和消费者保护法。针对Kasky的指控,Nike提出了抗辩,理由是该公司那些被指控的宣传言论受美国宪法《第一修正案》言论自由的保护。从此,这个官司历时5年,从初审法院、上诉法院、加州高等法院一直打到美国联邦最高法院。直到2003年,美国最高法院最终否定了Nike的抗辩理由,支持加州高等法院的判决,结论是那些被指控的陈述纯粹是商业言论不受宪法《第一修正案》的完全保护。联邦最高法院法官同时还认为,该案在加州高等法院还未审结,因为一些关键事实还有待查清,所以决定撤回诉讼文件送达令,并将该案退回加州高等法院重审。此案在随后的重新审理过程中,以原被告双方达成了和解而告终结。但令公众感觉遗憾的是,诉讼案对于所涉及侵害劳工权益的问题却始终没有定论。
In 1998, American citizen and labor activist, Marc Kasky filed a suit against Nike Inc. in California State Court suing the company for unfair and deceptive practices under California's Unfair Competition Law and False Advertising Law. Kasky alleged that Nike's public statement regarding the working conditions in its overseas suppliers'factories contained false information and material omissions of fact. Yet, Nike claimed that the lawsuit was barred by the US Constitution's First Amendment guarantee of free speech. The trial court and then the court of appeals agreed with Nike but California Supreme Court reversed the lower courts'ruling and held that Nike's statements were commercial speech which is entitled to less constitutional protection than non-commercial speech. In 2003, the US Supreme Court issued a decision in this case stating that it had granted certiorari improvidently and dismissed the case, which effectively let stand the California Supreme Court's ruling. Several months later, Nike and Kasky agreed to settle the case for$1.5 million to strengthen workplace monitoring and factory worker programs. However it's still regretful to the public since the fact of the concerned issue of labor working condition was not yet concluded.
     3 years later, derived also from the argument of labor working condition, "Sweatshop" as well, a lawsuit took place in China-in 2006, Foxconn based in Shenzhen sued two journalists at the China Business News for 30 million yuan for allegedly "damaging its reputation by the stories on their workers'substandard working condition and low pay." Shenzhen Intermediate Court immediately took the suit and set ruling on two defendants, both journalists, and froze their personal assets-banking deposits, stocks, apartments and cars. Somehow, the case had never been reviewed by the court for 2 months until it was withdrawn by Foxconn who at last reached settlement with China Business News. The suit ended suddenly, as it started surprisingly to the public and caused lots of criticism by a number of Chinese law professors and experts, but still left tons of questions.
     The article, through comparing the two lawsuit cases extracted above, throughout the cases'original background and focus of suit, involved parties'arguments and the judges'steering and control methodology, and the factual social impacts caused by each of the cases, from the legal perspective, tried to find out the difference and likelihood, and analyze the gaps existing between both of the legal judgment systems in tackling with this sort of civil disputes associated with labor working condition issue as well as constitutional argument, in order to further absorb and adopt those mature and successful experience from the well developed judicial system, improve our democratic and legal systems for the sake of realizing the aim of building up our harmonious socialism society.
1 Nike, Inc., v. Kasky, No.02-575, Supreme Court of the United States [June 26,2003].
    Vicki McIntyre, Note:Nike v. Kasky:Leaving Corporate America Speechless,30 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev.1531,1543-44(2004).
    BPC:www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=bpc&codebody=&hits=20 Kasky v. Nike, Inc.,27 Cal.4th 939,969 (Cal.2002).
    5 Nike, Inc., v Kasky, No.02-575, Supreme Court of the United States [June 26,2003].
    6 Adam Liptak, Nike Move Ends Case over Firms'Free Speech, NEW YORK TIMES, Sept.13,2003, at A8.
    7 《北京晨报》:www.china-cbn.com2006年08月29日07:10。
    8 A Chinese View of iPod City, EastSouthWestNorth, www.zonaeuropa.com/200060623_1.htm
    Foxconn violated code of conduct, Apple news/meda reports,08/17/2006,11:26pm, edt., www.macnn/articles/06/08/17/apple.finds.labor.abuses/
    11 Xinhua News Agency August 30,2006;新华通讯社8月30日电。
    12 同上。
    13 同上。
    14 南方都市报:《深圳中院称富士康诉讼案程序上无误》www.china-cbn.com 2006/08/30/12:38。
    15 国际在线:《鸿海曾被媒体曝光质量问题 非首次向记者索赔》www.crionline.cn 2006-08-29。
    16 《富士康天价诉讼案终成闹剧》,华夏经纬网www.huaxia.com2006年12月25/11:14。
    17 邓聿文:《外资缘何青睐“血汗工厂”》,载《新民晚报》2008年4月11日期第A4版。
    19 Kasky v. Nike, Inc.93 Cal.Rptr.2d 854,857 (Cal.App.1 Dist.,2000).
    20 [美]约翰D泽莱兹尼:《自由、限制与现代媒介》北京大学出版社2007年6月第1版P.1
    21 "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press."
    Leonard Levy, Liberty and the First Amendment:1790-1800, in Kent Middleton& Roy Mersky (eds.), Freedom of Expression:A Collection of Best Writtings, William, Hein and Co., Buffalo,1981, p.11.
    Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) Section 1.
    24 Valentine v. Chrestensen,316 U.S.52 (1942)
    Virginia State Borad of Phamacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council/U.S. Supreme Court, 1976425 U.S.748
    26 [美]唐R彭伯著:《大众传媒法》中国人民大学出版社2005年7月第1版第1页。
    27 林晓云编著:《美国劳动雇佣法》,法律出版社2007年8月第1版,192-193页。
    28 CSR—Corporate Social Responsibility or CSA-Corporate Social Accountability
    29 杜晓郁著:《全球化背景下的国际劳工标准》,中国社会科学出版社2007年5月第1版,第86页。
    30 [丹麦]保罗·尼诺普·拉斯姆森著:《欧洲与全球新秩序》当代世界出版社,2004年2月第1版,第13页。
    31 张峻峰/张锋: 《全面实施企业社会责任的原则与机制》,载《责任竞争力刊》2007年第1期。
    32 林晓云编著:《美国劳动雇佣法》,法律出版社2007年8月第1版,203-204页。
    33 李仕春:《民事保全程序研究》,中国法制出版社2005年7月第1版,第64页。
    34 张广良著:《知识产权侵权民事救济》,法律出版社2003年版,第52页。
    35 李仕春著:《民事保全程序研究》,中国法制出版社2005年7月第1版,第222页。
    36 邱小平著:《表达自由—美国宪法第一修正案研究》北京大学出版社2005年1月第1版,P.424
    Black's Law Dictionary, West Publishing Co.,1979, p.828.
    38 林子仪:《言论自由与新闻自由》,月旦出版社股份有限公司1994年版,第71-72页。
    39 苏成雪编著:《传媒与公民知情权》,新华出版社2005年9月第1版,第59页。
    40 《马克思恩格斯全集》,人民出版社1995年第2版,第一卷,166/201页。
    41 《马克思恩格斯全集》,人民出版者1995年第2版,第十一卷,第573页。
    42 侯建著:《舆论监督与名誉权研究》,北京大学出版社2002年3月第1版,第13页。
    43 杜承铭吴家清等著:《社会转型与中国宪法自由制度的完善》,北京大学出版社2005年2月第1版,第167页。
    44 Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire,315 U.S.568 (1942); Beauharnais v. Illinois,343 U.S.250 (1952)。
    45 侯健著:《舆论监督与名誉权问题研究》,北京大学出版社2002年3月第1版,第24页。
    46 中新社北京2002年12月26日电,www.chinanews.com.cn/2002-12-26/26/25773.html。
    47 韩大元著:《中国宪法事例研究》,法律出版社2008年2月第1版,第2页。
    48 李建良著:《宪法理论与实践》(一),中国台湾学林文化实业有限公司2003年版,第54页。
    10. 李建良著:《宪法理论与实践(一)》,中国台湾学林文化实业有限公司2003年版。
    11. [丹麦]保罗·尼诺普·拉斯姆森:《欧洲与全球新秩序——缩小全球差距》,齐心译,当代世界出版社2004年2月第1版。
    12. [美]唐·R·彭伯:《大众传媒法》,第十三版,张金玺赵刚译,中国人民大学出版社2005年7月第1版。
    13. [美]约翰·D·泽莱兹尼:《自由、限制与现代媒介》,王秀丽译,北京大学出版社2007年6月第1版。
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    2. 张兵:《企业社会责任》,载《新化文摘》,2003年11期。
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    1.熊莉君: 《公司社会责任制度研究》,硕士论文,西南政法大学,2003/5。
    4.南方都市报:《深圳中院称富士康诉讼案程序上无误》www. china-cbn. com,2006/08/30/12:38。
    1. Kasky v. Nike, Inc,93 Cal.Rptr.2d 854,857 (Cal.App.1 Dist.,2000).
    2. Kasky v. Nike, Inc.,27 Cal.4th 939,969 (Cal.2002).
    3. Nike, Inc., v. Kasky, No.02-575, Supreme Court of the United States [June 26, 2003].
    4. Valentine v. Chrestensen,316 U.S.52 (1942).
    5. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire,315 U.S.568 (1942); Beauharnais v. Illinois,343 U.S.250(1952).
    6. Virginia State Borad of Phamacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council/U.S. Supreme Court,1976425 U.S.748.
    1. Richard M. Locke/Alvin J. Siteman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Political Science MIT, The Promise and Perils of Globalization:The Case of Nike, Journal of World Trade, Vol.32,1998.
    2. Molly M. Daily, Supreme Court Refuses to Decide Nike Case, Leaving Open Conflict Between First Amendment Protection,9/1/2003.
    3. Adam Liptak, Nike Move Ends Case over Firms'Free Speech, New YORK TIMES, Sept.13,2003, at A8.
    4. Vicki McIntyre, Note:Nike v. Kasky:Leaving Corporate America Speechless,30 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev.1531,1543-44 (2004).
    5. A Fleishman-Hillard/National Consumers League Study:Rethinking Corporate Social Responsibility,2006.
    6. Cynthia A. Williams, Corporate Social Responsibility in A Comparative Perspective, College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2006.
    7. Leonard Levy, Liberty and the First Amendment:1790-1800, in Kent Middleton & Roy Mersky (eds.), Freedom of Expression:A Collection of Best Writtings, William, Hein and Co., Buffalo,1981, p.11.
    1. Cite as:539 U.S._(2003), Per Curiam, NIKE, INC.et AL., PETITIONERS v. MARC KASKY on Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of California, SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, No.02-575, [June 26,2003]. www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/02pdf/02-575.pdf
    2. California BPC (Business& Professions Code) www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=bpc&codebody=&hits=20
    3. A Chinese View of iPod City, EastSouthWestNorth, www.zonaeuropa.com/200060623_1.htm
    4. Foxconn violated code of conduct, Apple news/meda reports,08/17/2006, 11:26pm, edt., www.macnn/articles/06/08/17/apple.finds.labor.abuses/

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