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目的:了解新疆高校大学生的吸烟状况,研究不同民族大学生的吸烟行为特征和影响因素,对今后开展控烟工作提供一定的依据;探讨新疆高校大学生的控烟态度和行为;分析新疆高校大学生中公共卫生控烟能力建设情况,通过控烟课程教学和创建无烟校园活动的开展,进行大众倡导促动和政策倡导促动。方法:本研究采用问卷调查法,问卷测量采用李克特量表法(Likert scale)5级评分法来计分:1)新疆高校大学生吸烟现况调查以及控烟态度和行为的调查从新疆高校中随机抽取8所院校,采用整群随机抽样方法,在一、二、三、四、五年级大学生中每个年级抽取100人,共抽取3434人作为研究对象;2)无烟校园建设以新疆医科大学作为研究对象,开展无烟校园活动;3)控烟课程和公共卫生控烟能力建设研究共选取六所学校,从新疆选取两所学校,内地选取四所学校,再从六所学校的公共卫生专业二、三年级中各随机选取一个班,共选取六个班,将选取的六个班分别分为干预组和对照组。结果:1.大学生吸烟现况调查:1)本次调查共发放问卷3670份,回收问卷3537份,其中有效问卷3434。问卷有效率为97%;2)男女大学生的吸烟率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),提示男性大学生的吸烟率高于女性大学生的吸烟率;不同民族的大学生吸烟率不同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同专业的大学生吸烟率不同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同年级大学生的吸烟率不同,随着年级的升高,吸烟率也随之上升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);自认为健康状况不同的大学生吸烟率不全相同,且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);大学生逃课次数越多,吸烟率也越高,逃课次数与大学生的吸烟率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);与他人发生纠纷次数越多,吸烟率也随之升高,与他人发生纠纷次数与大学生的吸烟率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);近半年来考试不及格情况与大学生的吸烟率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);大学生醉酒次数越多,吸烟率也越高,大学生醉酒次数与大学生的吸烟率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);每月消费水平与大学生的吸烟状况有统计学意义(P<0.001);睡觉时间的早晚、睡觉时间的长短与大学生的吸烟状况的差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);3)此次调查中共有551人承认目前吸烟,平均每人每天吸烟5.56±5.12(支);在吸烟的551人中,通常买5元以下的烟占20.8%,通常买5~10元之间的烟占60.7%,通常买10~15元的烟占12%,通常买15元以上的烟,占6.5%;整条购买的占11.3%,整包购买的占79.3%,向别人要的占6.4%,别人送的占3.1%;在吸烟者当中,认为自己有瘾的占37.6%,认为自己没有瘾的占41.6%,不一定的占20.9%;吸烟者当中,常在室内吸烟的占59.9%,常在室外吸烟占40.1%;4)在不吸烟的大学生中,“您现在不抽烟,可是如果将来从事疾病控制工作,您会吸么”回答肯定不会的占78.2%,也许不会的占10.3%,也许会的占9.6%,肯定会的占1.9%;在不吸烟的大学生中,“您现在不吸烟,可是如果你最好的朋友让你吸烟,你会吸么”回答肯定不会的占78.9%,也许不会的占9.4%,也许会的占9.9%,肯定会的占1.7%;5)单因素logistic回归分析,性别、民族、母亲文化程度、月均花费水平、健康状况、睡觉时间和长短、醉酒次数、逃课次数、与他人发生纠纷次数、考试情况是是否吸烟的影响因素;在多元logistic回归分析中,性别、年级、考试成绩、月均花费、入睡时段、睡眠时间、醉酒情况以及逃课情况均是大学生吸烟的影响因素。2.大学生控烟态度和行为的调查:1)从本次调查的大学生,多数大学生的对控烟工作的态度是赞成积极;2)不同性别、不同民族、不同专业、不同年级的大学生对控烟工作所持态度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同健康状况的大学生对控烟工作所持态度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);近半年来逃课次数、近半年来与他人发生纠纷次数及近半年来有无考试不及格与大学生对控烟工作所持态度差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);对影响对控烟态度的多因素分析发现,是否吸烟、醉酒次数、睡觉时间的早晚、逃课次数、性别都是控烟态度的影响因素;3)不同学校的大学生在有无学习控烟课程方面,有无参加学校无烟活动,以及关注控烟的程度,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同性别的大学生学习控烟课程情况,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在关注控烟方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同民族的大学生学习控烟课程情况,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),在参加无烟校园活动方面,差异无统计学意义,在关注控烟方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同专业的大学生学习控烟课程情况、参加无烟校园活动以及关注控烟,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同年级的大学生在学习控烟课程情况、参加无烟校园活动及关注控烟,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同健康状况的大学生在关注控烟程度方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同学习状况的大学生在学习控烟课程和关注控烟方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同吸烟状况的大学生在关注控烟方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同性别的大学生对待家里人吸烟所采取的方式,以及对亲戚或朋友吸烟所采取的方式,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同性别的大学生对周围人吸烟介意程度以及对自己宿舍吸烟的态度,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同民族的大学生对待亲戚或朋友吸烟所采取的方式差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同民族的大学生对周围人吸烟介意程度以及对自己宿舍吸烟采取措施,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同专业的大学生对待家里人吸烟所采取的方式,以及对亲戚或朋友吸烟所采取的方式,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同专业的大学生对周围人吸烟介意程度,自己家中对吸烟采取的措施,以及对自己宿舍吸烟采取的措施,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不同年级的大学生对待家里人吸烟所采取的方式,以及对亲戚或朋友吸烟所采取的方式,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);不吸烟状态的大学生对待家里人吸烟所采取的方式,以及对亲戚或朋友吸烟所采取的方式,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);吸烟与不吸烟的大学生对周围人吸烟介意程度,自己家中对吸烟采取的措施,以及对自己宿舍吸烟采取的措施,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);4)不同性别、不同民族、不同专业大学生参与控烟活动兴趣的态度,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);吸烟和不吸烟的大学生参与控烟活动兴趣的态度,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。3.公共卫生控烟能力建设的评价:3.1无烟校园建设:设计控烟倡导行动计划;成立学校无烟校园促动组织,组织策划征集控烟倡导行动主题与行动标识;进行项目启动仪式,引起媒体关注;利用校报、校刊、校园网络、校园广播站、学生社团、社会媒体等,广泛进行校园宣传,开展校园大众倡导促动活动;出台无烟政策并实施。3.2控烟课程教学:将控烟教学纳入学校教学计划,课时量16个课时,通过授课、讨论、辩论、讲座等多种形式深入教导学生吸烟危害知识,戒烟方法技巧,控烟倡导理论等。学生分组完成无烟校园计划,每个小组完成一篇总结论文。3.3学生控烟调查:1)公共卫生专业大学生的吸烟率为7.8%;2)不同性别的公共卫生专业大学生吸烟率不同,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),不同性别、不同吸烟行为的公共卫生专业大学生控烟倡导态度得分不同,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);3)性别、父亲文化水平、母亲文化水平、父亲职业、母亲职业及近半年来是否醉酒与公共卫生专业大学生吸烟行为之间存在相关性,且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);父亲文化水平、父亲职业及近半年来是否醉酒是影响公共卫生专业大学生吸烟行为的负性因素,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);性别、母亲职业、母亲文化水平是影响公共卫生专业大学生吸烟行为的正性因素,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);4)公共卫生专业大学生对吸烟的亲戚朋友的倡导行为同样会影响其对吸烟的家人进行倡导,两者显著相关;本人每月消费水平、控烟倡导行动态度、对吸烟家人的倡导行为与学生控烟倡导行为存在差异,具有统计学意义;公共卫生专业学生对吸烟家人的倡导行为也影响其对吸烟亲戚朋友的倡导行为,两者显著相关;5)对FCTC烟草控制关键措施的态度,干预组学生对公共场所控烟的态度、对烟盒标注吸烟危害健康信息的态度、对提高卷烟价格的态度的支持率均呈现上升趋势,干预组对禁止烟草广告的态度,支持率则呈现一定程度的下降;6)对照组三个学校的公共卫生专业大学生对FCTC烟草控制关键措施的态度,第二次测量的态度得分均数均稍高于第一次测量的态度得分均数,但第一次测量与第二次测量控烟倡导行动态度得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);7)采用组内效应方差分析检验,干预组北方A学校三次测量控烟态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05);组内效应方差分析检验,干预组东南A学校控烟态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);组内多重比较显示:干预组第二次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05),干预组第三次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05);组内效应检验的方差分析检验,干预组新疆医科大学控烟态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分高于第二次(P<0.05);8)医学院无烟倡导活动,干预组、对照组学生在学校校园实施无烟措施的态度、在拒绝吸烟方面做出表率的态度、对学生禁止吸烟的态度的支持率均呈现不同程度升高;9)组内效应方差分析检验,干预组北方A学校学生对学校无烟倡导活动的态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05),干预组第三次测量态度得分高于第二次(P<0.05);组内效应方差分析检验,干预组东南A学校学生对学校无烟倡导活动的态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内多重比较显示:干预组第二次测量态度得分高于第一次(P<0.05);组内效应方差分析检验,干预组新疆医科大学学生对学校无烟倡导活动的态度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分高于第二次(P<0.05);10)组内效应方差分析检验,干预组北方A学校学生对学校控烟活动态度的三次得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05);组内效应方差分析检验,干预组东南A学校学生对学校控烟活动态度的三次得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内多重比较显示:干预组第二次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05),第三次测量态度得分显著高于第一次(P<0.05);组内效应方差分析检验,干预组新疆医科大学学生对学校控烟活动态度的三次得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),组内多重比较显示:干预组第三次测量态度得分高于第一次(P<0.05),第三次测量态度得分高于第二次(P<0.05);11)新疆医科大学学生对吸烟亲戚或朋友进行倡导行为的第一次、第二次及第三次的测量结果之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预组公共卫生专业大学生对吸烟亲戚或朋友进行倡导的行为态度三次测量结果不全相同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:1.1)通过本次调查发现,男性大学生的吸烟率明显高于女性大学生的吸烟率。在新疆高校大学生中,对不同性别、不同民族、不同专业、不同年级、不同健康状况、不同学习状况、不同生活习惯及不同消费水平的大学生吸烟状况进行比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);2)通过对大学生吸烟的影响因素进行单因素分析,发现性别、民族、母亲文化程度、月均花费、睡觉时间的长短和早晚、醉酒次数、与他人发生纠纷、考试不及格八项因素与学生吸烟行为存在关联性;3)采用多元Logistic回归方法探究影响大学生吸烟行为的相关因素,结果显示:性别、年级、月均花费水平、睡觉时间长短和早晚、醉酒次数、逃课次数、有无考试不及格现象这些因素与学生吸烟行为存在关联,差异均有统计学意义。2.1)大学生对公共场所控烟的态度赞成的有76.4%;对烟盒上标注“吸烟有害健康”赞成的有76.4%;对禁止烟草广告赞成的有82.8%;对大学拒绝烟草业任何慈善和科研资助赞成的有67.0%;对提高卷烟价格赞成的有60.6%;对在校园实施无烟措施赞成的有86.3%;对学生在拒绝吸烟方面做出的表率赞成的有84.7%。大学生对学生禁止吸烟赞成的有86.3%;2)采用单因素方差分析的方法,不同性别、不同民族、不同专业、不同年级的大学生对控烟工作所持态度比较有统计学意义(P<0.001)。不同健康状况的大学生对控烟工作所持态度比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。逃课、与他人发生纠纷、考试不及格大学生对控烟工作所持态度比较有统计学意义(P<0.001);3)对影响对控烟态度的多因素分析发现,是否吸烟、醉酒次数、睡觉时间的早晚、逃课次数、性别都是控烟态度的影响因素;4)本次研究发现八所学校中,学习控烟课程的学生人数为352,比例为10.25%,参加学校无烟活动的人数有482,比例为14.04%,大学生中关注控烟的有2570人,占74.84%,其中偶尔关注的有2195人,常常关注的有372人,从不关注的有845人,比例为24.61%。不同性别、不同民族、不同专业、不同年级、不同吸烟状况的大学生对待周围人吸烟所采取的方式差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);5)不同性别、不同民族、不同专业、不同吸烟状况的大学生参与控烟活动的意愿和兴趣差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。3.3.1在“倡导促动”理论指导下开展创建无烟校园活动,包括政策倡导促动和大众倡导促动两方面,通过方案的实施,证明在高校开展控烟干预的模式是可行的。3.2给公共卫生专业学生开设控烟课程,从理论、知识、技能三方面提升学生的控烟倡导促动能力是可行的。3.31)经过单因素分析提取性别、吸烟行为两项因素与学生控烟倡导行动态度存在关联;2)干预组公共卫生专业学生对FCTC烟草控制关键措施的态度和对医学院无烟倡导活动的态度朝着阳性的方向发展,控烟倡导行为也发生了明显的改变;3)公共卫生专业学生对吸烟的亲戚朋友进行倡导同样会影响其对吸烟的家人进行倡导,两者显著相关;本人每月消费水平、控烟倡导行动态度、对吸烟家人的倡导行为与学生控烟倡导行为存在关联;4)本次研究结果表明“中国公共卫生控烟倡导行动能力建设”项目是可行并且有效的。
Purpose: To understand smoking situations of Xinjiang college students and studysmoking behaviour characteristics and the influencing factors of college students fromdifferent ethnic groups, so as to prepare certain basis for tobacco control in the future; toexplore Xinjiang college students' attitude towards tobacco control and action; to analyzepublic health capacity building for tobacco control of Xinjiang college students and carryout public advocacy and policy advocacy through tobacco control class teaching andsmoke-free campus campaign. Method: Questionnaire surveys were adopted in the study,and questionnaire measurement was scored by Likert Scale5-level system.(1) In surveyof current smoking situations of Xinjiang college students and survey of their attitudetowards tobacco control and behaviour,8colleges from colleges and universities inXinjiang were sampled randomly, and cluster stochastic sampling was used, to sample3434students in total as the study object on the basis of100from freshman, sophomore,junior and senior college students.(2) Taking the students from Xinjinag MedicalUniversity as subject for building smoke-free campus, carry out smoke-free campuscampaign.(3) For study of the curriculum and public health capacity building for tobaccocontrol, six colleges were selected, with two from Xinjiang and four from inland China.Of the six colleges, total six classes were selected randomly on the basis of one classfrom each of sophomore and junior majoring in public health of the six colleges. Theselected six classes were then classified into the intervention group and the control group.Results:1. Survey on college students’ current smoking situation (1) In this survey total3670questionnaires were released and3537questionnaires were recovered, with3434questionnaires valid, making questionnaire effective rate of97%.(2) Smoking ratedifference between male and female college students has statistical significance (P<0.001), showing smoking rate of male college students is higher than that of female collegestudents; college students from different ethnic groups have different smoking rate, thedifference has statistical significance (P<0.001); college students of different majorshave smoking rate different, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); collegestudents of different grades have smoking rate different, the higher the grade, the higherthe smoking rate, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); college studentsthinking different health status have completely different smoking rate, and the differencehas statistical significance (P<0.05); college students with more classes cut have highersmoking rate, the difference between number of class cut and college students' smokingrate has statistical significance (P<0.001); among college students, the more the disputeswith others, the higher the smoking rate, the difference between college students' disputesand the smoking rate has statistical significance (P<0.001); the difference betweencollege students' failures in examination and the smoking rate in recent half a year hasstatistical significance (P<0.001); the more a college student got drunk, the higher hissmoking rate would be, the difference between number of being drunk of a collegestudent and the smoking rate has statistical significance (P<0.001); college students'monthly consumption level and smoking situations have statistical significance (P<0.001); the difference between college students' time to fall asleep and the sleep hoursand the smoking situations has statistical significance (P<0.001).(3) In this survey,totaling551students admitted their state in smoking, at the rate of5.56±5.12(cigarettes)per student per day on average; of the smoking551students, those generally purchasingcigarettes at the price lower than five yuan per pack account for20.8%, those at the priceof5-10yuan per pack for60.7%, those at the price of10-15for12%, those at the priceover15yuan for6.5%; those purchasing cigarettes by cartons account for11.3%, thoseby packs for79.3%, those wanting cigarettes from others account for6.4%, those beingoffered cigarettes for3.1%; of smokers, those thinking they have addicted themselves tosmoking account for37.6%, those thinking they have not addicted themselves to smokingfor41.6%, those unsure account for20.9%; of smokers, those often smoking indoorsaccount for59.9%, those often smoking outdoors for40.1%.(4) Of the college studentsnot smoking, to the question “you don't smoke at present. But if you do works of diseasecontrol in the future, will you smoke”, those answering "surely not" account for78.2%,those answering "maybe not" for10.3%, those answering "maybe will" for9.6%, andthose answering "surely will" for1.9%; Of the college students not smoking, to thequestion “you don't smoke at present. But if your best friend offers one to you, will you smoke”, those answering "surely not" account for78.9%, those answering "maybe not"for9.4%, those answering "maybe will" for9.9%, those answering "surely will" for1.7%;(5) Single-factor logistic regression analysis shows that sex, ethnic groups, mother'seducational level, average monthly consumption level, health status, time to fall asleepand sleep hours, number of being drunk, number of class cut, number of dispute withothers and examination situations are influencing factors for smoking or not; multiplelogistic regression analysis shows that sex, grade, test scores, average monthly expenses,time to fall asleep, sleep hours, cases of being drunk and cases of class cut are factorsinfluencing college students' smoking.2. Survey on the college students’ attitude andbehaviour toward tobacco control (1) In this survey, most of the college students retainedan approval and active attitude towards tobacco control;(2) Through comparison ofattitudes towards tobacco control of college students of different sexes, different ethnicgroups, different majors and different grades, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); through comparison of attitudes towards tobacco control of college studentswith different health status, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); thedifference of college students' attitude towards tobacco control due to number of class cut,disputes with others and failures in examination in recent half a year has statisticalsignificance (P<0.001); analysis of many factors influencing attitude towards tobaccocontrol finds that smoking or not, number of being drunk, time to fall asleep, number ofclass cut and sex are all factors influencing attitude towards tobacco control.(3) In termsof having or having not tobacco control class, campus smoke-free activity and attentionto tobacco control among different colleges' students, the difference has statisticalsignificance (P<0.001); in terms of having or having not tobacco control class amongdifferent-sex college students, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); interms of attention to tobacco control, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of study of tobacco control class by college students from differentethnic groups, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms ofparticipation in campus smoke-free campaign, the difference has no statisticalsignificance; in terms of attention to tobacco control, the difference has statisticalsignificance (P<0.001); in terms of having tobacco control class, joining campussmoke-free campaign and attention to tobacco control among college students of differentmajors, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of having tobaccocontrol class, joining campus smoke-free campaign and attention to tobacco controlamong college students of different grades, the difference has statistical significance (P< 0.001); in terms of attention to tobacco control among college students with differenthealth status, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); in terms of havingtobacco control class and attention to tobacco control among college students withdifferent study situations, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); in terms ofattention to tobacco control among college students with different smoking situations, thedifference has statistical significance (P<0.05); in terms of the way of different-sexcollege students treating families' smoking and treating relatives' or friends' smoking, thedifference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of minding surroundingsmoking and the attitude towards smoking in their own dormitory of different-sex collegestudents, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of the way ofdifferent-ethnic-groups college students treating relatives' or friends' smoking, thedifference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of minding surroundingsmoking and the measures against smoking in their own dormitory ofdifferent-ethnic-groups college students, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of the way of different-major college students treating families' smokeand treating relatives' or friends' smoking, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of minding surrounding smoking and the measures against smoking attheir home and in their dormitory of different-major college students, the difference hasstatistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of the way of different-grade college studentstreating families' smoking and treating relatives' or friends' smoking, the difference hasstatistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of the way of non-smoking college studentstreating families' smoking and treating relatives' or friends' smoking, the difference hasstatistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of minding surrounding smoking and themeasures against smoking at their home and in their dormitory of smoking andnon-smoking college students, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001).(4)In terms of different-sex, different-ethnic-groups and different-major college students'attitude towards tobacco control activity, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001); in terms of the attitude towards participation in tobacco control of smoking andnon-smoking college students, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.001).3.Appraisal on building of tobacco control capacity for public healthy3.1Smoke-freecampus campaign: design the plan of tobacco control advocacy behaviour; establishsmoke-free campus promotion organization in the school, scheme and collect the subjectsand mark of tobacco control advocacy behaviour; make ceremony for starting theprogram to attract Media’s attention; make propaganda trough the campus newspaper, campus magazine, campus networks, campus radio station, student corporation, socialmedia, etc; make wide propaganda in the college, carry out public advocacy campaign oncampus; introduce smoke-free policies and make them implemented.3.2Tobacco controlcurriculum teaching: bring tobacco control teaching into the teaching plan of the college,take16teaching hours, teach students knowledge on smoking harm, methods and skillson abstaining from smoking, tobacco control advocacy theory by school teaching,discussion, debating and lecture, etc. Students are arranged in groups to completesmoke-free campus plan, and each group write a sum-up thesis.3.3Survey on students’tobacco control (1) Smoking rate of college students majoring in public health is7.8%.(2)Different-sex college students majoring in public health have different smoking rate, andthe difference has statistical significance (P<0.001), different-sex, different-smoking-behaviour college students majoring in public health have different scores on attitudetowards tobacco control advocacy, and the differences have statistical significance (P<0.001);(3) There is correlation between the smoking behaviour of college studentsmajoring in public health and the factors such as sex, father's educational level, mother'seducational level, father's occupation, mother's occupation and being drunk or not inrecent half a year, and the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); father'seducational level, father's occupation and being drunk or not in recent half a year arenegative factors influencing smoking behaviour of college students majoring in publichealth, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05); sex, mother's occupation andmother's educational level are positive factors influencing smoking behaviour of collegestudents majoring in public health, the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05).(4)The advocacy behaviour of college students majoring in public health to smokingrelatives and friends influences their advocacy to their smoking families in the samemanner, and the two types of advocacy are remarkably correlated; difference existsbetween individual's monthly consumption level, attitude towards tobacco controladvocacy, advocacy behaviour to smoking families and students' tobacco controladvocacy behaviour, having statistical significance; the advocacy behaviour of collegestudents majoring in public health to their smoking families also influences theiradvocacy behaviour to their relatives and friends, and the two types of advocacy areremarkably correlated.(5) In terms of the attitude towards FCTC's key measures fortobacco control, the intervention-group students' supporting rate for tobacco control inpublic place, marking Smoking Harms Your Health on cigarette pack and lifting cigaretteprice goes higher; in terms of attitude towards banning tobacco ads, the intervention group shows decreasing supporting rate.(6) In terms of college students majoring inpublic health from three colleges in the control group, their scores on attitude towardsFCTC's key measures for tobacco control and on the attitude in the second measurementare slightly higher than that of the first measurement, but the difference between thescores on attitude towards tobacco control as specified in the first measurement and thesecond measurement has no statistical significance (P>0.05).(7) Within-group effectvariance was used for analysis and check, finding the difference in scores on threemeasurements of attitude towards tobacco control in the northern College A in theintervention group has statistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiplecomparison shows that: score on attitude towards tobacco control of the interventiongroup in the third measurement is remarkably higher than that in the first measurement (P<0.05); within-group effect variance was used for analysis and check, finding that thedifference in scores on attitude towards tobacco control in the southeast College A in theintervention group has statistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiplecomparison shows that: score on the attitude in the second measurement of theintervention group is remarkably higher than that in the first measurement (P<0.05),score on the attitude in the the third measurement of the intervention group is remarkablyhigher than that in the first measurement (P<0.05); within-group effect variance wasused for analysis and check, finding that the difference in scores on attitude towardstobacco control of Xinjiang Medical University in the intervention group has statisticalsignificance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison shows that: score on theattitude in the third measurement of the intervention group is higher than that in thesecond (P<0.05).(8) In terms of smoke-free advocacy activity in the medical school, theintervention-group students and the control-group students presented different-levelincrease of the supporting rate in attitude towards implementing smoke-free measures incampus, attitude towards setting a good example in saying no to smoking, and attitudetowards prohibiting students from smoking.(9) Within-group effect variance was usedfor analysis and check, finding that the difference in scores on attitude towards thecollege's smoke-free advocacy activity in the northern College A of the interventiongroup has statistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison showsthat: score on the attitude in the third measurement of the intervention group isremarkably higher than that in the first measurement (P<0.05), and score on the attitudein the third measurement of the intervention group is higher than that in the secondmeasurement (P<0.05); within-group effect variance was used for analysis and check, finding that the difference in score on attitude towards college smoke-free advocacyactivity of students in southeast College A of the intervention group has statisticalsignificance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison shows that: score on theattitude in second measurement of the the intervention group is higher than that in thefirst measurement (P<0.05); within-group effect variance was used for analysis andcheck, finding that the difference in score on attitude towards campus smoke-freeadvocacy activity of students in Xinjiang Medical University in the intervention grouphas statistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison shows that:score on the attitude in the third measurement of the intervention group is higher than thatin the second measurement (P<0.05).(10) within-group effect variance was used foranalysis and check, finding that the difference in three-times scores on attitude towardscampus tobacco control of students in northern College A of the intervention group hasstatistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison shows that: score onthe attitude in the third measurement of the intervention group is remarkably higher thanthat in the first measurement (P<0.05); within-group effect variance was used foranalysis and check, finding that the difference in three-times scores on attitude towardscampus tobacco control of students in southeast College A of the intervention group hasstatistical significance (P<0.05); within-group multiple comparison shows that: score onthe attitude in the second measurement of the intervention group is remarkably higherthan that in the first measurement (P<0.05), score on attitude in the third measurement isremarkably higher than that in the first measurement (P<0.05); within-group effectvariance was used for analysis and check, finding that the difference in three-times scoreson attitude towards campus tobacco control of students in Xinjiang Medical University ofthe intervention group has statistical significance (P<0.05), within-group multiplecomparison shows that: score on attitude in the third measurement is higher than that inthe first measurement (P<0.05), score on attitude in the third measurement is higher thanthat in the first measurement (P<0.05).(11) The difference between the results of thefirst, second and third measurement by students of Xinjiang Medical University of theirsmoking relatives or friends has statistical significance (P<0.05); the results from threemeasurements by college students majoring in public health in the intervention group oftheir attitude towards advocacy to their smoking relatives or friends are not fully equal,so the difference has statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusions:1.(1) This surveyfinds that smoking rate of male college students is clearly higher than that of femalecollege students. Of college students in Xinjiang, smoking situations were compared on the basis of different sex, different ethnic groups, different majors, different grade,different health status, different study situations, different habits and differentconsumption level, from which all the differences have statistical significance (P<0.001);(2) Analysis of single factor of the factors influencing college students' smoking findsthat correlation exists between college students' smoking and eight factors, namely sex,ethnic groups, mother's educational level, average monthly expenses, sleep hours andtime to fall asleep, number of being drunk, disputes with others and failure inexamination.(3) Multiple logistic regression method was used to explore relevant factorsinfluencing college students' smoking, finding the results that correlation exists betweenstudents' smoking and the factors such as sex, grade, average monthly expenses, sleephours and time to fall asleep, number of being drunk, number of class cutting, and failurein examination or not, and all the differences concerned have statistical significance.2.(1)76.4%of college students agreed with tobacco control in public places and marking“Smoking Harms Your Health” on cigarette pack;82.8%of college students agreed withprohibiting tobacco ads;67.0%of college students approved university to refuse anycharity and subsidies to research from tobacco industry;60.6%of college students agreedwith lifting cigarette price;86.3%of college students agreed with implementation ofsmoke-free measures in campus;84.7%of college students agreed with setting a goodexample in saying no to smoking.86.3%of college students agreed with prohibitingstudents from smoking.(2) Single factor variance analysis method was adopted, findingthat attitude towards tobacco control by college students of different sex, different ethnicgroups, different major and different grade has statistical significance comparatively (P<0.001). Attitude towards tobacco control by different-health-status college students hasstatistical significance comparatively (P<0.05). Attitude towards tobacco control bycollege students of class cutting, disputes with others or failure in examination hasstatistical significance comparatively (P<0.001).(3) Analysis of multiple factorsinfluencing attitude towards tobacco control finds that smoking or not, number of beingdrunk, time to fall asleep, number of class cut and sex are all factors influencing attitudetowards tobacco control.(4) This study finds that of the8colleges or universities,352students had tobacco control class, accounting for10.25%of the students;482studentsparticipated in campus smoke-free activity, accounting for14.04%;2570college studentspaid attention to tobacco control, accounting for74.84%, of which2195students paidattention to tobacco control occasionally,372often and845never, accounting for24.61%. The difference in the way treating surrounding smoking by college students of different sex, different ethnic groups, different major, different grade and differentsmoking situations has statistical significance (P<0.001).(5) The difference in the wishand interest in participating in tobacco control activities of college students of differentsex, different ethnic groups, different major and different smoking situations hasstatistical significance (P<0.001).3.3.1Found and carry out smoke-free campaignunder the theory of advocacy including policy advocacy and the public advocacy, whichproved that it is feasible the mode of intervention on tobacco control in colleges.3.2Offerstudents majoring in public health tobacco control curriculum, which proved it is feasiblethat promote the students’ capacity on tobacco control advocacy in three aspectsincluding theory, knowledge and skill.3.3(1) Single factor analysis finds that two factorsof sex and smoking behaviour are correlated with students' attitude towards tobaccocontrol advocacy; multi-factor analysis finds that correlation exists between students'smoking behaviour and six factors, namely sex, mother's educational level, father'seducational level, father's occupation, mother's occupation and number of being drunk.(2)Advocacy of students majoring in public health to smoking relatives and friends caninfluence their advocacy to the smoking families in the same manner, and the two typesof advocacy are strikingly correlated; correlation exists between students' tobacco controladvocacy behaviour and the factors such as individual's monthly consumption level,attitude towards tobacco control advocacy behaviour and advocacy among smokingfamilies.(3) Attitude of the students majoring in public health of the intervention grouptowards FCTC's key measures for tobacco control and towards smoke-free advocacyactivity in the medical school develops in positive direction, and clear change has takenplace in tobacco control advocacy behaviour.(4) Results of this study show that “theproject of building advocacy capacity for tobacco control among the public healthworkforce in China” is feasible and effective.
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