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As the embedded development of tourism, the negative externality is more and more obvious, such as the devastating exploitation of tourism resources; the "three-waste" let into environment by the tourism establishment; the architectural pollution in destination; the breakage of tourism resources and pollution of environment by tourists. Such short-term behavior that only seek economic benefit badly baffles the sustainable development of tourism.
    The author studies the sustainable development of tourism on the theory of externality, then analyzes the externality of tourism, and explores its root, and also brings forward the way to internalize negative externality to achieve the sustainable development of tourism. At last, a "green" calculative system of tourism economy is founded to evaluate and direct the sustainable development of tourism.
    This paper consists of 6 chapters as follow:
    The first one reviews the development, study progress of externality, and elaborates the recent development in our country.
    The second chapter first puts forward the concept of externality, and analyzes the sort and feature of it, and then elaborates the three most important theories in history of externality.
    The third starts from the phenomenon of externality in tourism, and further explores the results of negative externality, therefore author puts forward some suggestions to internalization of negative externality such as innovation of property rights system and calculative system.
    In the forth chapter, author analyzes the structure and evaluation of tourism resources, then reveals the root of negative externality, and last puts forward the problems occur in our country and suggests how to settle them.
    The fifth chapter founds the "green" calculative system of tourism economy, then calculates the "profit and loss" of tourism, such result is helpful to evaluate the degree of internalization of negative externality, and possibly it direct the sustainable development of tourism.
    The sixth chapter is a calculative example on Dr. sun yat sen's mausoleum.
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