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The changes of firm boundaries reflects the evolution of economic organization system. Firm boundaries show some new features as many new forms of economic organization emerging in the New Economy. The boundary between "firm" and "market" shows some limitations. The mainstream analysis pattern of firm boundaries faces some new challenges. Recently, many kinds of research theories on firm boundaries turns to be synthesized, and can provide good explanations for some new economic phenomenon. The new combination of the two primary firm boundary frameworks based on the TCE theory and Competence-based theory shows the co-evolution relationships between transaction costs and competence, firm boundary and industry boundary.
     Firm's multiple natures determines the multiple boundaries of the firm, and from the evolution of firm's multiple boundaries, we can understand firm's natures well enough. Except "scale-boundary" in mainstream firm theory, firms also have "organization-boundary", "law-boundary", "capability-boundary" and "knowledge-boundary", which restrict and affect each other. Multiple boundaries analysis framework proposed in this paper can explain the characteristics and emerging of new economic organization forms, such as virtual enterprise and strategic alliance etc. The multiple boundaries of the firm become separated. New economic organizations can expand its capability-boundary and knowledge-boundary while its organization-boundary and law-boundary are unchanged or even shrinking.
     From the history of the firm's development, we can find that the multiple boundaries of the firm evolved with technological progress and institutional change. Academic model which established to analyze how technology progress influenced the firm's scale-boundary can explain the trend of firm boundary which transform from vertical integration to outsourcing. The data from empirical study reveals that the scale-boundary could influence the input and performances of firm's technological innovations. The development of IT provides opportunities for the separation and synergy evolution of firm's multiple boundaries.
     Economic organization is medium through which technology influence competitive advantages. New economic organizations are more effective organizations whose multiple boundaries can evolve harmoniously. In order to satisfy the demand of technology progress, as well as to promote the status in the globe industrial chain and divisional networks, Chinese firms should upgrade themselves to new economic organizations as soon as possible, The government's role in this progress is a provider of good environment including make industrial and technological policy etc.
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    4 这里的相对能力是指企业能够比供应商更低的产品和更高的质量交付产品和劳务。
    5 Anne Parmigiani首次将企业同时制造和购买同一种货物的决策称作“并行资源获取”。
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    17 Teece, David J. and Pisano, Gary(1994), "The Dynamic Capabilities of Firm:An Introduction" Industrial and Corporate Changer,3(3),537-566.
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    19 Brusoni,S.,A.Prencipe,K.Pavitt. (2001), "Knowledge Specialization,Organizational Coupling,and the Boundaries of the Firm:Why do Firms Know More than They Make?". Administrative Science Quarterly, (46):597-621.
    20 Jeffrey T. Macher.(2006)."Technological Development and the Boundaries of the Firm:A Knowledge-Based Examination in Semiconductor Manufacturing", Management Science, Vol.52, No.6, June,826-843
    21 奥利佛·E·威廉姆森,西德尼·G·温特编.企业的性质——起源、演变和发展.姚海鑫,刑源源译.商务印书局.2007年2月,244页。
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    24 笔者主要梳理了2000年以后国外企业边界方面的文献。
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    4 本节中所讨论的企业边界主要指企业的纵向规模边界。
    5 青岛市企业技术中心的下属企业均为在企业内部独立设立了技术中心的企业,因此本文认为这些企业可以代表有一定创新能力的企业。
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    5 同上
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    4 Winter Jr,Sidney G.(1988), "On Coase,Competence,and the Corporation", Journal of Low,Economics,and Organization,4(1), Spring,163-180.Reprinted in Williamson and Winter(1991).
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    6 这里将与企业核心业务领域无关的知识统称为“背景知识”。
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    3 Langlois,Richard N. and Robertson,Paul L.(1995),Firms, Markets and Economic Change:A Dynamic Theory of Business Institution, Routledge, London and New York.
    4 钱德勒提到“对生产设施、经销和管理三方面进行相互关联的投资”决定了企业是否能够充分利用规模经济和范围经济,其实质就是对企业能力边界的一种扩展。
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