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    硕士学位论文 探究性阅读教学研究
    究性阅读教学的实践探索,但对“探究性阅读” 尚有认识不足,存在生搬硬套
National Ministry of Education established and issued "The Standards of Chinese Course of Full-time Compulsory Education(experimental)" in July, 2001, which re-explains the qualities and the features of Chinese course. In the requirements of reading-teaching, the Standard indicates that we should "attempt inquiry reading through various channels such as library and Internet", "train students' ability of exploratory reading and creative reading", it also proposes that we should regard the change on studying manner as a breakthrough point to drive the innovation and practice of reading-teaching in new courses. Nowadays, inquiry reading has been paid much attention by educational circles extensively. However, the studying on its theory and practice is still at the beginning, a thorough investigation and study is needed urgently.
    This dissertation consists of four parts. The first part is named "Questioning on Research: "Comprehension, Discovery and Construction" which makes painstaking and profound inquiries on the essence of teaching method on inquiry reading. As a brand-new teaching thoughts and teaching method, exploratory reading-teaching is based on constructive theory and literature acception theory, it considers reading as an inter-communication and dialogue between students and text, it also regards reading as an exploratory behavior of pursuing comprehending and self-comprehending and of constructing text and self-constructing. This kind of method pays attention to students' experience in reading, the exploration in experiencing. It breaks conceptual reading-teaching mode and reflects its tight-holding on the characteristics of Chinese.
    The second part is named "Perspective of Research: Self-Determination, Experiencing and Creation". Comparing with other reading-teaching method theories, the apparent features of inquiry reading-teaching include self-determination,
    experiencing, construction and mutuality. Among which, the feature of self-determination emphasizes go-aheadism, independence and meta-supervision of cognition when students participate in reading-teaching, it establishes the status of students as the main-body in reading. The feature of experiencing emphasizes that reading is experiencing, essentially, reading is an experiencing action which is participated in actively. Only through experiencing can reader comprehend the image of text, construct the significance of text, the process of experiencing-reading is an first-handed inquiry process in which students fuse their lives and put in their emotion. The feature of construction emphasizes the creative essence of reading mainly. It regards reading as an activity in which students construct self-world as well as construct the meaning of text. It also gives prominence to the function of reading in the whole spiritual construction of students. The last feature梞utuality?indicates that inquiry reading is a kind of dialogue between main-bodies, it emphasizes the dynamic state and inter-communication in teaching process.
    The third part is named "Process of Research: Perception, Interpretation and Expression". As an embodiment of the theory and the ideology of inquiry reading, researching teaching process is an important part of this task. It follows the law of the psychological development of individual reading and the law of expanding the teaching thinking, strikes up a procedure "psychological environment ?researching ?constructing" by combining its own characteristics. The procedure can be roughly divided into four stages: first-reading, interpretation, tasting and expansion. From the whole instinct grasping of the perceptual existence of text, to grasping the composing layers of text條anguage, structure, imago and artistic conception and doing some partial research, then to tasting, appreciating on the base of comprehension and to extracurricular expanding reading. The process develops gradually and tends to penetration, it reflects the complete psychological process of reading-teaching, therefore, it offers a train of thought and a r
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