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The migration of rural labors is the concomitant of industrialization and modernization in any countries. The earlier development countries utilized the predominance of development early in the history had finished the migration of rural labors piece by piece and succeeded in the peasants turning into the citizen. The dissertation is at the perspective of international comparative modernization, using the development economy theory to research the issue of the migration of rural labors in developing countries which is in the place of dual economy, and try to find the roles of the government in the process of the rural labors turn into the citizens. The roles are how the governments try to put in practice the basic policy and institution arrangement in the process of the transfer of the rural labors.
     After comparison analyzing, the author finds that because of the particularity in population, rural poverty and the chosen of the path of industrialization, it's impossible for the later developing countries to copy with the road that the developed countries had been done in the process of the migration of rural labors'. In the developing countries, in order to finish the migration of rural labors, they must find the new way, on the other words, they must use the complex ways that are the quomodos of endogenesis and extraversion. On account of the deficiency of market in developing countries, the migration can't be finished by the market spontaneously, but need the government to play the important role in the process of the migration of rural labors', and the government be supposed to organize the migration and give some public services for the migration, promote the migration in a well-ordered.
     The dissertation is comprised of the following segments: the first section is the introduction, in this part the author expatiated the importance and significance of the migration and the status in quo of the research of the issue, defined the main conceptions of the essay.
     The straight matter was composed by the following parts, the first part is consist of the following content, with the comparison of developed and less developed countries in the history of industrialization, the author consider that the poverty of the rural and the too much population in the developing countries which makes the developing countries can't copy with the west countries' road to migrate the rural labors. Just the difficulty in the developing countries makes them to find the new way to transfer the rural labors, which are the endogenetic and extraversive ones .
     The chapter two of the dissertation is the second part, in this section the author analyzed some typical later developed countries such as India Brazil Japan South Korea Malaysia and Indonesia, their governments tried to adopt some policies to promote their rural labors to transfer in the rural area. The main policies include: (1) to enlarge the rural non-farm economy, it's an important quomodo to transfer the rural labors;(2) to introduce the modern industry to the rural areas is another mode to increase the employment opportunity for rural labors ;(3) to exploit the new farm land is the third way to help the rural labors to find the new chance to employ and eradicate the rural poverty ;(4) to use a particular case to expatiate the policies of government of India to promote the rural employment by the way of some employment programs such as Rural Works Program, Crash Scheme for Rural Employment, Small Farmers Development Agency, Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Laborers Scheme, Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme, Training for Rural Youth in Self-Employment, National Rural Employment Program, Integrated Rural Development Program and so on. After the analysis, the author gave some evaluation to the programs and gave some strongpoints and disadvantages of the programs.
     The third parts of the dissertation is apply myself to answer the question that the later developed countries' governments attempt to find the new way for the rural migrants who have transferred to the city to find the opportunity for survivorship, and try to give some social protection to the rural migrants. In order to increase the employment of rural migrants the governments of later developed try to strengthen the small and medium enterprise, at the same time protect the informal sector so as to enlarge the employment of rural migrants. Because in many countries, the informal economy in the cities has become the main means to survive for the rural migrants, the dissertation also attempt to dissertate the social protection for the labors in the informal economy, try to find the experience and the deficiency and indicate the orientation of social protection of the informal employment labors.
     In the forth part of the dissertation, the author tries to analyze in the perspective of the government function and government capability why some countries succeeded and the other countries stumbled in transferring rural migrants when they encountered the same issues. Using the correlative knowledge, the author dissertate its importance and validity for the government to interference in the rural migrants in less developed countries.
     The last part of the dissertation is the summarization. In the section, the author gives some revelations to our government in transferring the rural labors into the citizen, which include: (1) the transfer and protection of rural labors should adopt the multi-center patterns through the harmonizing development of government and society; (2) to consummate the services function of government in the process of transfer rural labors and strengthen the capability of serve for the rural migrants;(3)to adopt compound means in the process of transferring the rural labors , bring to success in the corporate development of cities and countries. To make people get rich while transferring from the rural areas, at last try to break down all reserve between cities and countries, accomplish the integrated development of cities and countries.
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    ④ 实际上现在看来哈特的定义过于狭窄,即使在正规部门就业的也并不完全是正规就业,如正规部门中的临时用工人员。
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    ② 根据国际劳工组织的定义,非正规部门包括独立的(或自谋职业的)商品生产者和服务人员以及只有几个工人而一般是10人以下的微型企业。
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    ③ 在笔者所查阅的有关资料中,只看到拉美国家哥伦比亚农村劳动力向城市转移后在城市非正规部门就业的比例的分析材料,根据资料所载,从1984年到2000年从哥伦比亚农村迁移到城市的经济活动人口中从事非正规部门就业的女性劳动力为全部迁移人口52.6%,男性劳动力从事非正规部门就业占全部迁移人口的比例为52.1%。参见Carmen Elisa: Migration and the Urban Informal Sector in Colombia, http://pum.princeton.edu/pumconference/papers/4-Florez.pdf, p16.
    ① ILO: Women and Men in the Informal Economy:. A Statistical Picture, Geneva: ILO.2002, p7. Martha Alter Chen, Marilyn Cart, Joann: Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: A Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders, London Marlborough Ho, p50.
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    ④ Rossana Galli: Labor Standards and Informal Employment in Latin America, http://training.itcilo.it/decentwork/staffconf2003/documents/Galli%20Kucera%20Informal%20Short.pdf,p18.
    ①EDI Suharto: Human Development and Urban Informal Sector in Bangdung, Indonesia: the Poverty Issue New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 4, 2 December, 2002:115-133, p116.
    ②ILO: Supporting Workers in the Informal Economy: A Policy Framewor, Genava, 2002, p13.
    ④Martha Alter Chen, Marilyn Carr, Joann: Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: A Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders, London, Marlborough Ho, p53.
    ①Martha Alter Chen,Marilyn Carr, Joann: Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: a Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders, London, Marlborough Ho, p139.
    ②Martha Alter Chen, Marilyn Cart, Joann: Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: a Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders, London, Marlborough Ho, p146.
    ① ILO: Social Protection For Informal Workers: Insecurity, Instruments and Institutional Mechanism, Geneva, 2003, p 26.
    ② Onkarnath Chattopadhyay: Safety and Health of Urban Informal Sector Workers, Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol.30, No.2, April-june, 2005, p46.
    ③ Martha Alter Chen, Marilyn Cart, Joann: Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: a Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders, London, Marlborough Ho, p146.
    ① World Bank Work papers, Linsu Kim, Jeffrey B. Nugent: the Republic of Korea's Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Their Support Systems, p1.
    ① Wilson Peres and Giovanni Stumpo: Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean under the New Economic Model, World Development Vol.28, No.9, p1645.
    ② Wortd Bank Work papers, Linsu Kim, Jeffrey B. Nugent: the Republic of Korea's Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Their Support Systems, p1.
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    ① 这部分内容参见国际劳工组组织工作报告:Suppotring Workers in the Informal Economy: A Policy Framework, Geneva, 200, pp43-47.
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    ① Martha Alter Chen,Joann Vanek and Marilyn Carr, Mainstreaming Informal Employment and Gender in Poverty Reduction: A Handbook for Policy-makers and Other Stakeholders,, Naila Kabeer Commonwealth Secretariat/IDRC/CIDA2003, p139.
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