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The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAFC) in the USSR was a semi-official Jewish anti-Fascist organization founded in April 1942 in Kuibyshev, the wartime capital city of the USSR, for the purpose of mobilizing the world's Jewish into action to positively participate in the struggle against Fascism. Under the leadership of the Soviet Information Bureau and by means of publishing a Jewish newspaper entitled Eynikayt (Unification), organizing Jewish Anti-Fascist rallies, mailing publicity materials to news agencies abroad, and sending delegations to visit other countries, JAFC not only won wide sympathy and moral support for the USSR from its western allies, but also obtained substantial material and financial assistance for the Red Army and the Soviet people as well, thus making indelible contribution to the victory of the Patriotic War in the USSR.
     However, after the end of the Second World War and with the outbreak of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR, JAFC began to receive constant blows in the USSR. Though it was loyal to the Soviet Union and often had to stoop to compromise, JAFC was eventually ordered by the Soviet authorities to be dissolved in November in 1948 on the charges of conducting anti-Soviet publicity and providing anti-Soviet information for intelligence agencies abroad. Before long, JAFC's leaders were arrested and imprisoned one after another, and then in August 1952, having suffered all kinds of tortures, they were executed by shooting, thus causing a big tragedy in the history of the USSR. Based on the latest declassified documents about JAFC and drawing on the research findings available in and outside China, this paper attempts to make a thorough study of this issue in the hope of finding out the historic truth of this tragedy.
     This paper falls into six chapters, in addition to Introduction and Conclusion. The introduction mainly presents the reasons for choosing the topic, the literature review, the methodology adopted in this paper, and the problems to be tackled.
     Chapter One traces back to the Jewish's historical conditions in the period of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet government's policy toward the Jewish until the outbreak of the Soviet-German War in June 1941, in order to find out the historical roots of JAFC's tragedy. This paper reveals that, as a reflection of the Jewish's patriotism, JAFC was founded when the Soviet Union suffered serious defeats in the early days of the Patriotic War and the anti-Fascist enthusiasm of the Soviet masses ran high after the Soviet government's mobilization. JAFC members included the celebrities among the Jewish in the USSR such as famous writers, poets, scientists, and actors. On the surface, JAFC was a non-governmental body, but from its inception, all its activities were under the tight control of the Soviet government.
     Chapters Two & Three review JAFC's main activities. Chapter Two focuses on the great contribution JAFC made to the Soviet Union's anti-Fascist War by means of organizing three Jewish anti-Fascist rallies, holding JAFC's three plenary sessions, and sending JAFC's delegations to visit America, Britain, Mexico, and Canada. It was the heyday of JAFC and it is also one of the main contents of this paper. Chapter Three centers around JAFC's concern for the fate of the Jewish in the forms of assisting Jewish compatriots, reviving the Jewish culture, proposing to set up Crimea Jewish Republic, receiving Jewish visitors from abroad, and fighting anti-Semitism at home.
     Chapter Four explores the influence of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR on the fate of the JAFC. After the end of WWII, with the changes of the situation at home and abroad, anti-Semitism began to be the USSR's official policy. The Soviet authorities became more and more intolerant of the nationalist elements in JAFC's publicity and its intervention in the Jewish affairs at home. JAFC's international activities were also brought under tight control and its whole work was actually in the state of semi-paralysis. The proposal of foundingCrimea Jewish Republic was abandoned and it later turned out to be one of the major proofs for the charge against JAFC. After the outbreak of the Cold War, S.M.Mikhoels, chairman of JAFC, was secretly murdered by Stalin on a fabricated charge. In May 1948, when the state of Israel was founded, the nationalist sentiment of the Jewish in the USSR surged up to an unprecedented height so that JAFC was pushed on the crest' of the wave. The Soviet authorities were greatly shocked and they finally ordered to dissolve the only organization representative of the Jewish in the USSR.
     Chapter Five describes the process of compiling and then aborting The Black Book. As one of the important projects JAFC cooperated with its overseas counterparts, The Black Book was intended to stimulate overseas Jewish anti-Fascist enthusiasm by exposing the atrocities that Nazis were slaughtering the Jewish. Nevertheless, after the end of WWII and with the changes of the situation at home and abroad, the contents of The Black Book failed to suit the taste of the Soviet authorities so that it was banned and destroyed shortly before it was published.
     Chapter Six focuses on "the case of JAFC". This case was carefully planned by KGB with long-time preparation at Stalin's suggestion. It was the best expression of the anti-Jewish policy pursued by the Soviet authorities when the Cold War reached its first climax. The purpose was to wipe out the intellectual elite and core leaders of the Jewish in the USSR. This tragedy came to its climax when JAFC's leaders were shot to death. "The case of JAFC" can be said to be a critical one, among other anti-Jewish cases fabricated by the Soviet authorities in the same period, as it is directly or indirectly related to many other cases. For example, the world-shocked Doctor's Plot is, in fact, the extension and escalation of this case. Stalin's intention was to banish the whole Jewish nation in the USSR so as to destroy the so-called "the Fifth Column" before the outbreak of the war with the USA.
     For various reasons, the redressing of "the case of JAFC" has followed a long course. It was not until 1988 that the Soviet Communist Party eventually decided to rehabilitate the reputation of the victims of this unjust case. Looking back on this historical tragedy, we can find that it resulted from the Stalinist system, the anti-Jewish tradition in the USSR, and Stalin's abnormal mentality. It not only led tens of thousands of Jewish people to emigrate overseas and thus deteriorated the Soviet-Israeli relations, but also produced extremely unfavorable influence on international socialist movement and buried hidden perils for the collapse of the USSR. The tragedy of JAFC warns us that, in a multi-ethnic country, this kind of tragedy can only be avoided when the rights of each ethnic group are respected and protected by law.
    [2]Shimon Redlich..War,Holocaust and Stalinism.A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR,Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P3.
    [2]相关书目可以参考M.Altshuler:The Jewish Anti-fascist Committee in the USSR in the Light of New Documentation.Studies in Contemporary Jewry.1984.No.1.P261.
    [1]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P60.B.Z.戈尔德贝格(1895-1972),美国著名意第绪语记者。出生于立陶宛一个犹太人拉比家庭,12岁移民美国。1917年与当时已经移民美国的俄国著名犹太人作家肖洛姆·阿莱赫姆的小女儿玛丽·韦芙(Marie Waife)结婚。因为这一姻亲关系,戈尔德贝格与苏联(包括斯大林本人)联系甚广。1934年,他对苏联进行了一次典型的半官方性质的访问,由于他相信苏联对犹太文化的推动及其对反犹主义的谴责,所以成为苏联“最完美的宣传家”。他支持苏联将犹太人移民比罗比詹的政策。长期为纽约的犹太人日报《今日》撰稿,1924-1940年担任其主笔。二战期间,他利用自己担任《今日》专栏作家的便利和在美国犹太社团中的影响,作了大量的亲苏宣传工作。1946年、1959年再次访问苏联。尽管他不是共产党人,但却是苏联宣传活动中的一个宝贵人才。
    [2]Shimon Redlich:The Jews Under Soviet Rule During World War Ⅱ.Ph.D.Thesis.New York University,1968.
    [3]L.Schapiro:The Jewish Antifascist Committee and Phase of Soviet Anti-semitic Policy During and After World War Ⅱ,B.Vago and G.L.Mosse eds.Jews.,and Non-Jews in Eastern Europe,1918-1945,New York,1974,PP.283-300.
    [4]M.Altshuler:The Jewish Anti-fascist Committee in the USSR in the Light of New Documentation.Studies in Contemporary Jewry.1984.No.1.P253-291.
    [5]Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.Boston,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971.
    [1]Shimon Redlich:Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.
    [2]Author's Note,Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.Boston,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971;Shimon Redlich:Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.Pix;Shimon Redlieh:War,Holocaust and Stalinism.A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH.1995.P3.
    [1]Rehabilitation of the Jewish Anti-fascist Committee:Report No.7,Translated Introduced and annotated by Avraham Grinbaum.Soviet Jewish Affairs.1989.Vol.20.No.2-3.P85-98.
    [2]Shimon Redlich:The Crimean Affair,Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.1990.No.2(12).P55-65.
    [3]V.Dubson:The Archive of the Jewish Anti-fascist Committee.Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.1991.No.3(l 6).P64-77.
    [4]The Liquidation of the Newspaper Eynikayt and Repression in Leningrad,Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.1991.No.3(16).P57-59.
    [5]M.Altshuler and S.Ycikas:Were There Two Black Books About the Holocaust in the Soviet Union? Jews and Jewish Topics in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.1992.No.1(17).PP.37-55.
    [1]Stalin's Secret Pogrom.The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.Yale University Press,New Haven an London.2001.
    [2]Shimon Redlich:War,Holocaust and Stalinism.A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR,Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.
    [3]Arno Lustiger:Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:Enigma Books.2003.
    [4]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers),2003,P94.
    [3]Arno Lustiger:Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:Enigma Books,2003.P176.
    [3]Thomas E.Sawyer,The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union.Boulder:Westview Press,1979.PI02.
    [4]Zev Katz,editor,Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities.New York:the Free Press,1975.P360.
    [2]Encyclopaedia Judaica,Jerusalem:Keter Publishing House Jerusalem Ltd.,1972,V.14,P446.
    [4]Zev Katz,editor,Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities.New York:the Free Press,1975.P361.
    [2]Martin Gilbert,The Jews of Russia:Their History in Maps and Photographs,Merton College,Oxford,1976,P29.
    [6]Jeremiah Ben-Jacob,The rise of Israel.New York:Grosby House,1949.P144.
    [9]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P261-262.
    [1]崩得(Бунд)是“立陶宛、波兰和俄罗斯犹太工人总联盟”的简称。1897年9月由沙俄犹太区的一部分工人和知识分子在维尔诺建立,其主要成员是俄国西部各省的犹太手工业者。主张犹太民族和文化自治,呼吁取消对犹太人的歧视。1898年,在俄国社会民主工党第一次代表大会上加入了俄国社会民主工党。1903年退出,1906年复加入。崩得要求承认自己是犹太无产阶级的唯一代表,在政治上一直支持孟什维克,反对布尔什维克。由于它的政治主张有悖于无产阶级的国际主义原则,并且有和布尔什维克争夺犹太工人之嫌,所以长期遭到列宁的批判。1917年二月革命后,崩得支持资产阶级临时政府。1920年4月,崩得分裂为两派,多数派与俄共合并,少数派后被布尔什维克镇压。两次世界大战期间,崩得主要在波兰进行活动,是波兰最大的犹太工人政党。许多国家工人运动的领导人都出自于崩得。后在纽约设有犹太工人联盟(崩得)世界统筹委员会,在许多国家设有分部。崩得是犹太社会主义政党中最大、最有影响的政党。1905年,崩得有35000名党员,而俄国社会民主工党当时只有8400人。见Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P14.1917年12月,崩得共有党员33700人。见郭宇春:《犹太人与俄国革命运动》,《黑龙江社会科学》,2007年,No.5,第49页。
    [4]Thomas E.Sawyer,The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union.Boulder:Westview Press,1979.P 112.
    [7]当时,犹太人大多都加入了崩得和孟什维克,加入布尔什维克的人虽然比较少,但其在布尔什维克的领导层却占据重要地位。据统计,1917年1月,布尔什维克党员总数是23600人。在1917年之前加入布尔什维克的犹太人共958人,1917年加入布尔什维克的犹太人总共是1175人。见Thomas E.Sawyer,The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union.Boulder:Westview Press.1979.P111-112。
    [8]Thomas E.Sawyer,The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union.Boulder:Westview Press,1979.P112.
    [3]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Nanmov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers),2003,P331.
    [2]Jonathan Brant and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers),2003,P331.
    [2]Mordecai Altshuler,The Jewish Anti-fascist Committee in the USSR in the Light of New Documentation.Studies in Contemporary Jewry.1984.No.1.P254.
    [5]Aron J.Katsenelinboigen,The Soviet Union:Empire,Nation,and System.New Brunswick(U.S.A)&London(U.K.):Transaction Publishers,1990.P169.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East EuropeanQuarterly,1982.PⅩⅲ.
    [4]The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917,edited by Lionel Kochan.London:Oxford University Press.1972.P303.
    [6]The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917,edited by Lionel Kochan.London:Oxford University Press,1978.P9.
    [7]Martin Gilbert,The Jews of Russia:their history in maps and photographs,Merton College,Oxford,1976,P33.
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P127.
    [7]Martin Gilbert,The Jews of Russia:their history in maps and photographs,Merton College,Oxford,1976,P33.
    [8]Zev Katz,editor,Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities.New York,the Free Press,1975.P363.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P108.
    [6]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.Yale University Press,New Haven and London.2001.P11.
    [8]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P99.
    [1]哈伊姆·魏兹曼(Chmm Weizmann,1874-1952)世界著名化学家,世界犹太复国主义者协会的主席。1874年11月27日出生于俄国一个贫苦的犹太农民家庭。1891年后在德国、瑞士上大学。1900年,获弗里堡大学药学博士学位。1904年定居英国。早在1897年,魏兹曼就加入犹太复国主义组织,1904年,成为世界犹太复国主义运动的领导人。1928年,魏兹曼把世界犹太复国主义者组织扩大成为巴勒斯坦犹太人协会。1948年以色列建国后,担任第一任总统。
    [4]Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.Boron,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971,P59.
    [6]哈伊姆·日特洛夫斯基(Chaim Zhitlovsky,1865-1943)是美国犹太人作家、哲学家和记者,犹太文学的代表人物。出生于俄国,青年时代与俄国社会主义革命者和崩得有联系,参加过杜马。1908年从俄国移居纽约,并且成为意第绪语、社会主义和犹太民族自治的代言人。希特勒上台后,他就成为苏联政策的拥护者。1941年7月,他发表公开声明,赞扬苏联反对纳粹德国的战争。苏联犹委会代表团访美前夕去世。
    [1]斯蒂芬·魏斯(Stephen Samuel Wise,1874.1949),美国犹太教拉比与犹太教救国运动领导人。出生于匈牙利布达佩斯,1岁时随父移居美国。1901年获得哥伦比亚大学哲学博士。从1906年开始,终其一生在纽约“改革派犹太教”会堂--以马内利会堂担任拉比。他是“美国犹太人复国主义者联盟”的创始人之一,1936-1938年担任该组织主席。在他影响下,美国许多政界要人(包括威尔逊总统)对于犹太复国主义采取了同情和支持态度.1917年创建了“美国犹太人同盟”。1922年在纽约创建了“犹太宗教学院”。为了维护全世界犹太人的权益,在1936年组建了“世界犹太人同盟”,一直担任该组织主席,并且因此成为全世界公认的反希特勒主义的领袖。有许多著作传世。
    [2]美国犹太人联合分配委员会,通常简称联合分配委员会,有时也简称联合。它是1915年由美国犹太人建立的全国性慈善组织,其宗旨是不分教派、不分政治的拯救和救助全世界的犹太人,特别是那些处境危险和生活极其贫困的犹太人,复兴犹太文化。后来其救助范围逐渐扩大到犹太人之外。它的出现表明美国犹太人已经具备了影响乃至支配世界范围内的犹太事务的能力。其英文名称为American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,缩写为JDC,有时也简称为Joint。
    [3]英文名称为The American Committee of Jewish Writers,Artists and Scientists,缩写为ACJWAS,有时简称The Writers's Committee,即作家委员会。
    [4]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P105.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P104.
    [4]康斯坦丁·乌曼斯基(KOHCTaHTHH yMaHcKH荫),苏联著名新闻记者和外交家,犹太人。1920年代在塔斯社工作。1931年步入苏联外交界。1939年担任苏联驻美大使,1941年11月离任。苏联与墨西哥复交后,他在1943年出任苏联驻墨西哥大使。1945年1月死于空难。
    [7]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P122.
    [3]《关于犹太人反法西斯委员会活动的声明》。转引自Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P100-101.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.Pl01.
    [6]《致联共(布)中央委员会对外政策部部长米·安·苏斯洛夫同志的信(1946年6月21日)》,见http://www.ioc.gov/exhibits/archives/m2antfac.html。阿卡迪·万科斯伯格在书中误把1946年写成了1945年,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.NewYork:Vintage Books.1994.P149.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nalionalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Comminee in the USSR,1941-1948.Universty of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P175-177.另据亚诺·拉斯廷格统计,犹委会有70名成员,其中主席团成员共19名。从1942年到1948年,犹委会成员中有44名作家和记者,12名是戏剧、电影界成员,16名是士兵、军官及游击队员。他们包括3名苏联英雄,两名将军。另外还有15名艺术家;18名党政部门官员和14名科学家。Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigms books,2003.P101.
    [6]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tingedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committce and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P101.阿卡迪·万科斯伯格也指出,“内务人民委员会指导它的活动,任命和批准全体工作人员,并且对所有大事进行审批。”Arkad Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated bv Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P113.
    [7]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulders East European Quarterly,1982.P83.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P96.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragcdy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P114-116.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P26.
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and me Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Commitree and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P136.西蒙·瑞德里希认为犹委会“有80名工作人员,一半以上是意第绪语作家。”见Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Comminee in thc USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.p49
    [5]Louis Rapoport,Stalin' WarAgainst the Jews.The Doctor' s Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P72.
    [2]Benjamin Harshav,Marc Chagall and His Times:A Documentary Narrative.Stanford:Stanford University Press,2004.P524.苏联人口统计学家扬·坎托尔也认为,生活在苏联未占领领土上的犹太人不超过200万人。见Benjamin Pinkus,The Soviet Government and the Jews:1948-1967,A Documented Study.London:Cambridge University Press,1984.P23.
    [3]Benjamin Pinkus,The Soviet Government and the Jews:1948-1967,A Documented Study.London:Cambridge University Press,1984.P23.
    [5]1945年6月21日,米霍埃尔斯在写给联共(布)中央对外政策部部长米·苏斯洛夫的信中说犹委会主席团有19位成员。见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.NewYork:Vintage Books.1994.P149.
    [9]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P29.
    [2]Arn Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P123.
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:Ree Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P169.
    [5]Murray Friedman and Albert D.Chain,Editor.A Second Exodus:The American Movement to Free Soviet Jews.Brandeis University Press.1999.P70.
    [1]Jewish Fund for Soviet Russia,Calling All Jews to Action(Cables received from the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee of the Soviet Union).London,1944.P22.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:HarwoodAcademicPublishersGmbH,1995.P124.
    [1]英文名称为The Jewish Section of the Russion War Relief。
    [4]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P117.
    [2]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P117-118.
    [4]Louis Rapoport,Stalin'WarAgainst the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P88.
    [1]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P144.
    [3]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994,P118.
    [2]Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter:Two Heroes and Martyrs for Jewish Socialism.Translated from th~ Yiddish with Notes by Samuel A.Portnoy.Ncw York:Ktav Publishing House,Inc.1990.PP166-167.
    [3]Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter:Tow Heroes and Martyrs for Jewish Socialism.Translated from the Yiddish with Notes by Samuel A.Portnoy.New York:Ktav Publishing House,Inc.1990.P201,327.
    [4]Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter:Tow Heroes and Martyrs for Jewish Socialism.Translated from the Yiddish with Notes by Samuel A.Portnoy.New York:Ktav Publishing Housg,Inc.1990.P209.
    [5]Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter:Tow Heroes and Martyrs for Jewish Socialism.Translated from the Yiddish with Notes by Samuel A.Portnoy.New York..Ktav Publishing House,Inc.1990.P221.
    [4]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P13.大多数研究者都认为斯大林给代表团送行,只有亚诺·拉斯廷格认为这个消息可能是错误的,因为根据米霍埃尔斯的女儿纳塔莉亚·沃夫西回忆,斯大林和米霍埃尔斯从未见过面。见Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigmabooks,2003.P125,186.另外,路易斯·瑞波波特也认为,斯大林和米霍埃尔斯从未谋面。见Louis Rapoport,Stalin'War Against the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P95.
    [2]Louis Rapoport,Stalin' WarAgainst the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P88.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East EuropeanQuarterly,1982.PI17.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P126.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.UniversityofColorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P118.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P118.
    [2]海伦·海斯(Helen Hayes):美国著名演员,生于1900年。从事演艺生涯50年,主演过《亲爱的希鲁特思》(1918年),《维多利亚女王》(1935-1939年)等许多广受好评的电影,其中《马德伦·克劳德的罪孽》获1932年奥斯卡奖。
    [1]保罗·罗伯逊(Paul Robeson,1898.1976),美国黑人歌唱家和社会活动家,曾获得国际和平奖和列宁国际奖。
    [3]Einstein on peace,ed.by Otto Nathan and Heinz Norden;preface by Bertrand Russell.[monograph],New York:Simon and Schuster,1960.P324-325.
    [2]马克·夏卡尔(Marc Chagall,1887-1985),世界艺术大师、超现实主义画家。1887年出生在俄国维切布斯克一个贫穷的犹太人大家庭。1910年到巴黎游学,研究现代派绘画艺术。1920年他和米霍埃尔斯一起帮助创建了莫斯科国家犹太剧院。米霍埃尔斯对他非常崇拜。1920年11月到12月期间,夏卡尔为整个剧院设计了舞台布景和壁画,这些著名壁画在苏联被查禁了将近70年,后经修复于1992年开始在全世界展出。1922年,夏卡尔再次迁往法国,二战爆发后逃往美国,和女儿一起寓居纽约。
    [3]Benjamin Harshav,Marc Chagall and His Times:A Documentary Narrative.Stanford:Stanford University Press,2004.P534.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P145.
    [7]Louis Rapoport,Stalin' War Against the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P92.
    [1]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.PP64-65.
    [3]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P47.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P119.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P119.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propanda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.Boulder,Colorado,1982.P131.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P128.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P122-123.
    [1]《首度拉比的呼吁》,Jewish Fund for Soviet Russia,Calling All Jews to Action(Cables received from the Jewish Anti-FascistCommitteeoftheSovietUnion).London,1944.PI4.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P146-147.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enima books,2003.P126.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P123.
    [3]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P127,136.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P132.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P127,136.
    [2]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P118.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifaseist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P124.
    [6]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Austraiia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P149.
    [8]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.PI24.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P136.
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P136.
    [6]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enima books,2003.P117.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P116.亚诺·拉斯廷格所言3,294,823卢布可能有误。该材料出自1945年在莫斯科出版的一本意第绪语书籍。见Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P117.
    [3]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy ofthe Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P138.
    [5]Zev Katz,editor,Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities.New York,the Free Press,1975.P363.
    [6]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P138.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P139.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P138.
    [3]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P112.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P73;Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P124.
    [5]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P78,144.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:HarwoodAcademic Publishers GmbH,1995.P233.
    [3]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994,P123.
    [1]Benjamin Pinkus,The Soviet Government and the Jews:1948-1967,A Documented Study.London:Cambridge University Press,1984.P23.德国学者认为,有280万苏联犹太人死于纳粹之手。见(俄)列夫·别济缅斯基:《交战前夕的希特勒和斯大林》,文和,李酉生译,上海:上海译文出版社,2003年,第372页。路易斯·瑞波波特认为,有300万苏联犹太人死于纳粹之手。见 Louis Rapoport,Stalin'War Against the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P88.
    [3]《1944年10月24日犹委会主席团备忘录》,见Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P23.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P177.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P118.
    [2]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soyiet Union:Arialysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P60.
    [2]Benjamin Pinkus,The Jews of the Soviet Union:the History of a National Minority Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988.P 195.
    [4]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P64.
    [5]Benjamin Pinkus,The Jews of the Soviet Union:teh History of a National Minority.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988.P195.
    [1]1945年2月24日,《团结报》改为一周3期。见Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.Boston,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971.P187.
    [6]《关于乌克兰意第绪语文化状况的通信(1946年6月18日)》,见Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study ofthe Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P276.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.Ncw York:enigma books,2003.P119.
    [3]Benjamin Pinkus,The Jews of the Soviet Union:the History of a National Minority.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988.P195,
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P131.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P122,125-126.
    [3]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and thet Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P147.但是,西蒙·瑞德里希认为,战前克里米亚有6万人犹太人,占总人口的7.4%,其中1/3居住在犹太人聚居区。见Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russian:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in theUSSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P53.
    [5]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P126-127.
    [6]有人认为犹委会领导人之所以能够在克里木鞑靼人被放逐之前两个月就提出“克里木方案”,很可能是他们通过洛佐夫斯基早就获悉了这个只有克里姆林宫高层领导人才知道的计划,否则他们是不会贸然行事的。见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.Pi24-125.
    [8]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P130.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P48.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P45.
    [7]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P151.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P134.
    [2]B.Z.Ooldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New Work:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P60.
    [5]Walter LaFeber,American,Russia,and the Cold War,1945-1992,NewYork:Crown Publishers,Inc.,McGraw-Hill,1993.P38.
    [7]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P149.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P150.
    [7]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P3.
    [1]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P204-205.
    [2]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P59.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P132.
    [4]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P72.
    [5]#12 #12
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1918.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P153.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Queerly,1982.P154.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationlism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Bouler:East European Quarterly,1982.P154.
    [1]Shimon Rcdlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.PI55.
    [4]Louis Rapoport,Stalin' WatAgainst the Jews.The Doctor' s Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P84-85.
    [5]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P131.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P128.
    [5]ArkadiVaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.NewYork:Vintage Books.1994.P130.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P163,169.
    [4]The Black Book:The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941-1945,Prepared under the editorship ofIlya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian by John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.PⅩⅩⅢ.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the SovietJews.New York:enigma books,2003.P130.
    [7]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994,P195.
    [1]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P24.
    [5]《犹委会和美国乌克兰人-犹太人联合委员会的关系(1946年-1947年)》,见Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.PP262-263.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P126.
    [7]Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.Boston,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971,P147.
    [2]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers),2003.P94.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.Univcrsity of Colorado,Boulders East European Quarterly,1982.P82.
    [5]《美国驻苏联代办(德布罗》致国务卿密电(947年12月2日)》,Foreign Relations of the United States,Volume Ⅳ,United States Government Printing Office,Washington:1972,P629.
    [7]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Agalnst the Jews.Translated by AntoninaW.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P153.
    [1]LouisRapoport,Stalin' War Against the Jews.TheDoctor' s Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P90-91.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:HatwoodAcademicPublishersGmbH,1995.P128.
    [6]#12 #12
    [4]1948年1月7日,米霍埃尔斯在出差前夕,专门打电话给费费尔,让他暂时代理自己做几天犹委会的主席。费费尔欣然答应。但是1月11日早晨,米霍埃尔斯却突然发现费费尔在自己所住的那家宾馆的餐厅吃早餐,费费尔当时正在埋头看报纸并且装作没有看到他。米霍埃尔斯感到非常吃惊,当天晚上他在最后一次给妻子和女儿打电话时还特别提到这件事情。而更让人费解的是1月12日晚上,费费尔还和米霍埃尔斯、戈卢博夫一起在外面的饭店吃了饭,然后在晚上6点钟分手。他们为什么会在一起吃饭?期间谈了什么?这已经成为一个不解之谜。但是,种种迹象表明,费费尔不仅一开始就知道这一暗杀行动,而且他秘密来到在明斯克,显然都是为了配合安全机关的暗杀行动。因此,毫无疑问,费费尔“在这个伟大演员以及苏联犹太人的领导人之死里扮演了罪犯的角色。”Louis Rapoport,Stalin'WarAgainst the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwnnd Academic Publishers.1995.P92.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committe in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P131.
    [1]Louis Rapoport,Stalin'War Against the Jews.The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P96.
    [4]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.Pl41.
    [5]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P173.
    [6]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.PI29.
    [7]Benjamin Harshav,Marc Chagall and His Times:A Documentary Narrative.Stanford:Stanford University Press,2004.P630.
    [8]Murray Friedman and Albert D.Chemin,Editors.A Second Exodus:The American Movement to Free Soviet Jews.Brandeis University Press.1999.P2.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P188.
    [3]Golda Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.Pi85.
    [1]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P170.
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy ofthe Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigmabooks,2003.P171.赵伟明、刘竞、赵克仁等一批国内学者认为,苏联支持以色列建国的一个重要原因是出于对犹太人同情,这一观点显然是片面听信了葛罗米柯的发言,忽视了对苏联国内这一时期反犹浪潮的研究。见赵伟明:《中东问题与美国中东政策》,北京:时事出版社,2006年,第25页;刘竞、张士智、朱莉:《苏联中东关系史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1987年,第126页;赵克仁:《试析苏联对以色列建国前后态度和政策的演变》,见中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所主办:《西亚非洲》。1993年第3期,第68页。
    [8]Arkadi Vaksbcrg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York,Vintage Books.1994.P153.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:ADocumented Study of the Jewish Anti-Facist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995,P114.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publisher GmbH,1995.P111.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.PP174-175.
    [2]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P197.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P165-166.
    [4]Golda Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.P205.
    [5]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork:enigma books,2003.P175,176.
    [6]Mastny,Vojtech,The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity:The Soviet Insecurity:The Stalin Years,New York1996,P56-57.
    [7]B.Z.Golderg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P162.
    [1]Golda Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.P205.
    [3]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P162.
    [4]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P144.
    [5]Golda Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.P192.
    [7]Golda Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.P207.
    [9]Goida Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1975.P207.
    [10]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P175.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P177.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P96.
    [3]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P184.
    [5]《果尔达·梅厄致W.艾坦(特拉维夫)电,1948年9月11日》,见Documents On Israil-Soviet Relations:1941-1953.,Part Ⅰ:1941-May 1949.London:Frank Cass,2000.P377.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P94.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia..HarwoodAcademic Publishers GmbH,1995.P162.
    [2]The Black Book:The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 194 i-1945,Prepared under the editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian'~y John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.PⅩⅨ.
    [1]The Black Book:The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941-1945,Prepared under the editorship of llya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian by John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.PXX.
    [3]1944年1月27日《团结报》,见Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P98.
    [5]The Black Book:The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941-1945,Prepared under the editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian by John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.P571-574.其实,还应该包括A.苏茨科维尔,他在1947年移居巴勒斯坦后,名字就被从《黑皮书》中删掉了。
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P101.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P162.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P68.
    [2]《爱因斯坦为(黑皮书)所作的序言》,见Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P167-168.又见(美)阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦:《爱因斯坦晚年文集》,方在庆等译,海口:海南出版社,2000年,第250页。
    [4]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P162:Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P68-69.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.P200.
    [4]另外有一种说法,第一本《黑皮书:纳粹反犹暴行》的正式发行仪式是1946年7月26日在华盛顿国会主会厅举行的。许多参议员和众议员都出席了这个仪式。所有重要的新闻机构都参加了随后的新闻发布会。见Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy ofthe Jewish Anti-Fascia Committee and the Soviet Jews.New York:enigma books,2003.P164.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of teh Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Autralia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P104.
    [4]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P198.
    [1]The Black Books The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941-1945,Prepared under the editorship of llya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian by John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.PⅩⅩⅢ,PⅩⅩⅥ.
    [2]The Black Book:The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of The Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941-1945,Prepared under the editorship of Ilya Ehrenburg & Vasily Grossman,Translated from the Russian by John Glad and James S.Levine.New York:Holocaust Library.1981.PⅪ.
    [2]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P21.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P133.
    [2]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Rod Book..The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.NewYork..enigma books,2003.P184.
    [3]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P141.据戈尔德贝格所言,这些材料后来因为技术原因没有送往莫斯科。
    [4]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P174.
    [5]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:ADocumented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:HarwoodAeademie Publishers GmbH,1995.P132.
    [7]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P184.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationlism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.University of Colorado,Boulder:East European Queerly,1982.P167.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P146.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.Pl33.
    [1]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P101-102.
    [4]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主度团委员·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P230-231.
    [6]1929年贝格尔森到纽约去找工作,曾经请求诺维克帮忙,但是后者未能通过可靠的途径给贝格尔森的家庭提供帮助。1934年,贝格尔森最终不得不返回欧洲并移居苏联.后来因为犹委会案被枪毙。1959年。诺维克再次访问莫斯科时,专程拜访了贝格尔森的遗孀,并且跪在她面前,放声大哭,请求她原谅。见Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisitioa of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P64.
    [2]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团委员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P230.但俄国学者阿卡迪·万科斯伯格根据所获得的档案统计,认为有38到40人参加了对于“犹太人反法西斯委员会案”的审讯,并且列出了有关侦查员的姓名。同上书,P221.
    [1]Stalin' s Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.Pⅹⅲ.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P104.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P147-148.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P115-118.
    [3]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P153.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P226.
    [2]《伊格纳季耶夫致贝利亚的信,1953年3月27日》,见 Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P135.
    [3]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P151.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.P151.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P277-278.
    [2]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团委员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksbcrg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P230.
    [2]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994,P230.
    [3]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P228.
    [7]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P230.
    [4]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P231-233.
    [1]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P233.
    [2]《伊格纳季耶夫致贝利亚的信,1953年3月27日》,见Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P186.
    [3]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P235.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P278.
    [3]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团成员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P235.
    [6]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P95.
    [3]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P151.
    [5]1952年12月3日,在苏联的指使下,捷克斯洛伐克共产党原中央总书记P.斯兰斯基(犹太人)和另外10名布拉格领导层的代表(大多数是犹太人)在布拉格被公开处以绞刑,然后被焚尸扬灰。其罪名是“支持犹太复国主义分子进行破坏活动”,“雇用敌人阵营的、背景可疑的医生--同他们建立密切联系,利用他们来为他的敌对计划服务--想方设法危害共和国总统克莱门特·哥特瓦尔德的生命”。这和苏联国内同时发生的“医生阴谋”在编造手法上有惊人的相似之处,反映了斯大林在思维上的一致性。见Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P191.
    [6]果尔达·梅厄出任以色列驻苏公使后,曾希望当地居民会像人们在以色列那样,随便到以色列公使馆来坐坐,一起吃块蛋糕,喝杯茶,但没有一个俄国人,更没有俄国犹太人前来光顾。她对此感到大惑不解。其实她不知道,即便是像吉拉斯率领的来自共产党国家的代表团,也无人敢随意造访。因为“根据苏联的法律条文,苏联公民是不能和外国人交往的。”见Goida Meir,My Life.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson.1975.P202;(南)米洛凡·吉拉斯著,《同斯大林的谈话》,司徒协译,北京:世界知识出版社,1989年,第123页。
    [1]《舍伊宁审讯纪要,1953年12月15日,1-2页》,转引自Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P109.
    [4]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.Australia:Harwood Academic PublisherS GmbH,1995.P150.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P104.
    [2]Stalin' s Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P61.
    [3](乌)谢尔盖·贝利亚:《我的父亲贝利亚》,王志华 徐延庆 刘玉萍译,北京:新华出版社,2001年,第359页。
    [4]《摘自费费尔的审讯纪要,1949年4月22日,1-2。》,转引自Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P97.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P95.
    [2]《伊格纳季耶夫给贝利亚的信,1955年3月27日,2。》,转引自Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray(Publishers).2003.P187.
    [5]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P212.
    [4]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P309.又见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P259.
    [5]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P249.
    [6]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P182-183.
    [3]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P258.
    [4]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P257-258.
    [6]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P299.
    [2]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P4.
    [4]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin's Last Crime:The Doctor's Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P181.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P102.
    [1]Jonathan Brent and Vladimir P.Naumov,Stalin' s Last Crime:The Doctor' s Plot.London:John Murray (Publishers).2003.P325.
    [3]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P279-280.
    [1]Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P280.
    [5]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.P63.
    [6]Murray Friedman and Albert D.Chemin,Editors.A Second Exodus:The American Movement to Free Soviet Jews.Brandeis University Press.1999.P24.
    [5]《切普佐夫致苏共中央委员会主席团委员格·康·朱可夫的信》,见Arkadi Vaksberg,Stalin Against the Jews.Translated by Antonina W.Bouis.New York:Vintage Books.1994.P235.
    [1]Murray Friedman and Albert D.Chemin,Editors.A Second Exodus:The American Movement to Free Soviet Jews.Brandeis University Press.1999.P24.
    [2]B.Z.Goldberg,The Jewish Problem in The Soviet Union:Analysis and Solution.New York:Crown Publishers,Inc.,1961.P266.
    [4]Louis Rapoport,Stalin' War Against the Jews.The Doctor' s Plot and the Soviet Solution.New York:The Free Press.Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.P81.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.[M].Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.
    [2]Foreign Relations of the United States,Volume Ⅳ.[M].Washington:United States Government Printing Office,1972.
    [3]Documents On Israil-Soviet Relations:1941-1953.,Part Ⅰ:1941- May 1949.[M].London:Frank Cass.2000.
    [1]Shimon Redlich,War,Holocaust and Stalinism:A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR.[M].Australia:Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH,1995.
    [2]Shimon Redlich,Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia:The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR,1941-1948.[M].University of Colorado, Boulder:East European Quarterly,1982.
    [3]L.Schapiro,The Jewish Antifascist Committee and Phase of Soviet Anti-semitic Policy During and After World War Ⅱ,B.Vago and G.L.Mosse eds.Jews and Non-Jews in Eastern Europe,1918-1945,[M].New York,1974.
    [4]Yehoshua A.Gilboa,The Black Years of Soviet Jewry:1939-1953.[M].Boston,Toronto:Little,Brown and Company,1971.
    [5]Stalin's Secret Pogrom:The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee[M].Edited and with introductions by Joshua Rubenstein and Vladimir P.Naumov.New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2001.
    [6]Aron Lustinger,Stalin and the Jews:The Red Book:The Tragedy of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Soviet Jews.[M].New York:enigma books,2003.
    [7]Aleksandr Borshchgovsky,The Blood is Accused--A Documentary Novel,Moscow,1994.
    [8]Louis Rapoport,Stalin'War Against the Jews:The Doctor's Plot and the Soviet Solution.[M].New York:The Free Press,Harwood Academic Publishers.1995.
    [9]Thomas E.Sawyer,The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union.Boulder:Westview Press,1979.
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