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On complement and Enhancing Each Other of Rule By Law and Rule of Virtue and Strengthening of the Comprehensive National Power.
    The aim of the thesis is to expound right and systematically why and how to strengthen the comprehensive national power through complement and enhancing each other of rule by law and rule of virtue. In the light of the thesis, in order to strengthen the comprehensive national power, rule by law and rule of virtue must be complemented and enhanced each other, and this is an essential conclusion got by summing up historical experience, comparing rule by law with rule by manpower, analyzing thoroughly the essence of the rule of virtue, dissecting the character of the comprehensive national power and its key elements.
    The complement and enhancing each other of rule by law and rule of virtue is not to carry them out equally, but to make them complement and to enhance each other within the frame of the rule by law. On this basis, the frame of the rule by law is to be set up to enhance the comprehensive national power, and
    the frame consists of three subframes------political rule by law,
    economical rule by law, scientific and technical rule by law ,and all of these are main contents of the thesis. Further, the concrete way is put forward of the complement and enhancing each other of rule by law and rule of virtue, the rule of virtue being made through the rule by law. Other contents in the frame of the rule by law are also briefly expounded, such as military rule by law, educational rule by law, and the relationship among each content; importance of the rule of virtue in the frame is expounded and proved, too.
    The way of demonstration of the thesis is combining inference of theory with analyses of facts and history facts.
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