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互联网正在迅猛地改变着这个世界和我们的生活秩序,没有什么能够真正地置身其外。对于互联网上的宗教,尽管我们还缺乏对她必要的关注,但是我们仍然能够感受到她正经受着的“痛苦”与“欢乐”的变奏。社会学家布伦达·布拉什(Brenda Brasher)正确指出,“互联网一定会开启一项新的‘宗教改革’,正如几世纪前的印刷术一样”。对于此言,我们深以为然,但是,这样一项‘宗教改革’,究竟“改革”了什么?恐怕还没有人能够具体而详的回答出来,原因很简单,我们还缺乏对她的科学研究和认知。
Internet is changing the world. Nothing is able to really alude the storm. We can recept its "pain"or "happy" today , for all religion on the line have been ignored. As Brenda Brasher said: "Internet must lead to a new 'reformation',so like Printing several centuries ago." Of couse he is right, but, what is it that the movement is reforming? None can answer rightly because we have not study it earnest.
     The thesis try to take an important step forward studying the religion on the line. We take the www.yufotemple.com for case study.ON the position of the non-profit religious organization,we compare the theories of Marketing on the line and religion transmission ,and religion marketing.then we decide to take the Marketing on the line theory as the angle of view to analyse the composes of the system of Marketing on the line of the yufotemple. After evaluating its performance and function,the thesis try to answer four questions: l,If or not the religious organization is suit to take Marketing on the line as its mode.2, what are the religious organization motivations to take Marketing on the line? 3, what are the modes when the religious organization take Marketing on the line?4, what are the affections when the religious organization take Marketing on the line?
     The case study of www.yufotemple.com is the web of the famous yufotemple in shanghai .The yufotemple must take the Pioneer task of building the religious web for its geographical ang historic features. In the 2000s,chinese peoples were busing building the webs, yufotemple peoples builded theirselves web first in the religion field.Today evaluate its interface design, content selection or integer aesthetic effect, the www.yufotemple.com is the web of unique style.
     But,it was not smooth to build the www.yufotemple.com .say from the theory ,the compellent logic from internet explors the historic makerting mode many diffcults,religion will become a marginal hypo-culture; the same time, the religious demand of people is seeking a new load for expression.Both of them become the mechanism of building religion on the line. Of course, there were diffcultes in the course of building the web,for example, the disciples did not know internet and help to build the web;God in the internet was not work;there were technical matter about internet, and so on.people in the yufotemple paid out much of idea.
     There are 7 modes of marketing on the line in the www.yufotemple.com, they are marketing of seach engine ,E-MAIL, dummy community,blog, hyperlink, Buddhism academy on the line, pray on the line. Buddhism academy on the line and pray on the line are inimitable modes of yufotemple.All of 7 modes compound of a uniform system for marketing on the line.It have greater advantage than traditional mode. We conformit the performance mode and the function mode of pre valent assession in the world .We select 6 indexes as marketing capacity, innovation, stick up for value, service supply,affection to the religious organisation,affection to society.We use them to assess the achievement of the marketing of yufotemple.
     We find it is appropriate of religious organisation for marketing on the line.First,from marketing capacity, they are advantage in conscribing workers and capital .the advantage is fit for their durative marketing.Second,from innovation, marketing on the line is a new mode of religious marketing in internet era.On the same time, religion on the line create a new religious space-time. The new religious space-time tokens a new religious locale.Third, from sticking up for value, it enhance people to stick social value, especially in internet circumstance, venture character is more and more stronger.Religion disseminating on the line is adventage to appease people and make the society stability.Fouth, from service supply,religious marketing on the line is adventage to extend social commonweal.Internet technology ia a stronger impetus and make social commonweal extendance advantage.Religious commonweal break through the confine of terrain, and its effect find greater.Fifth,form affection to the religious organisation,the organisation become a new net-framework from science-stratum,the new net-framework is non-centre and open.lt abolish the administrative subjection connection and take a new strategic collaboration mode.The mode is adventage to news prevalence unimpedient.Religious authority on the line is a new thing too.He is pure,over- clime and symbolic.he subversion the old religious authority. Credit mechanism on the line subversion administration dictate for authority absence.lt debase the cost of organization and boost up the organization flexibility.The end,religious marketing on the line is adventage to build the concordant society.Internet as the public field supply the technology for religion participation in the public affair.lt promotes social democracy fashion.
     Refer to the theory of religious secular,we say internet does not bring on the religion wither away, reverse,it reflect religion modulate itself for society.lt is the redemption ability of religion.The ability assure religion livable in the world.
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