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     大多数对中国劳动力迁移与地区差距关系的研究都认为区域间劳动力流动有助于缩小地区差距。本文根据2002年中国各地区投入产出表以及其他多种数据来源,估计了中国9种商品的区域间贸易矩阵,构建了各地区2002年的社会核算矩阵(Social Accounting Matrix)并根据2004年最新经济普查数据进行了更新。在此基础上本文建立了一个包含大陆30个地区的递推动态可计算一般均衡模型(CGE),根据中国劳动力迁移的实际情形并考虑了外出劳动力汇款、外地劳动力与本地劳动力工资差异、人口流动滞后于劳动力流动等多种因素,模拟了不同劳动力迁移情景下各地区的经济增长、全国地区差距变化情况,得出了与理论模型相似的结论,即区域间劳动力迁移并不一定能缩小人均产出的地区差距,但由于汇款等因素,中国的区域间劳动力流动可以缩小各地区人均收入水平和人均消费的差距。这些模拟结果与现有的大多数研究结论显著不同,因此本文的研究加深了对劳动力迁移与地区差距关系的理解。
According to traditional theory, migration from low income regions to high income ones should have been an important source of convergence, but empirical researches find that migration in fact enlarge regional inequality in some countries. Some economists call this apparent gap by“Migration puzzle”. Many people have tried to answer this puzzle but have not got a satisfactory one yet. Based on the framework of new economic geography first founded by Paul Krugman, a dynamic general equilibrium model, in which capital and labor mobility was introduced, was founded to study the roles of internal migration on regional income convergence. Contrary to traditional theory, the model shows that labor migration needn’t give rise to income convergence because the effect of“capital-chasing-labor”. The most important facts influence the relation of internal migration and regional convergence are the intensity of“learning by doing”, congestion costs, and skill difference between city natives and new immigrants.
     Based on the 2002 China Regional Input-Output tables and other data from various sources, 30 provincial Social Accounting Matrixs were constructed, and then a 30 regions recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model (CGE) was also founded to study the effect of inter-regional labor migration in China. This model has carefully taken into account of many migration characteristics in China, such as Circular migration, population migration lagged with labor migration, large amount of cash transfer and so on. By compare the regional economy growth rates and Gini coefficients of per-capita GDP and per-capita consumption under different labor migration rates, we find that inter-regional labor migration has little effect on the evolution of regional disparity of per capita GDP. However, we do find that regional disparity of per capita consumption decreased with the increasing number of internal migration. We can show that this is mainly due to the special migration characteristics of large scale of cash transfer between emigration and immigration regions. This result different much from many empirical studies of China’s labor migration, most of which argue that inter-region migration in China will contribute much to the convergence of regional economy, but it do consistent with the theory model constructed in this paper. Also the result is consistent with the evolution of china regional disparity.
     According to the simulation results of CGE model, labor immigration can improve region’s economic growth rate and increase the government revenue while lower the wage of urban labors. For the net emigration regions, the GDP growth rate may increase or decrease as the rural labor migrate to other regions, but the growth rate of per-capita GDP, per-capita consumption and per-capital income will be increased greatly. Finaly, the results indicate that inter-region migration is helpful in national economic growth, due to the more efficiently allocation of labor in the regions.
① 参见王小鲁等 2004,姚枝仲等 2003 的研究
    ① 有关CE方法的详细介绍,参见Sherman, et al. (2000)
    ② 参见《2000 年中国农村劳动力就业及流动状况》
    ① 《中国农民工调研报告》p77
    ② 参见《中国农民工调研报告》p76
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