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Judicial recognition of the custom means the privy claims and testifies the custom and then the judge ascertains the custom in the judicial process, in which the custom is transmitted and applied in the judicature by the judge. Custom is a source of the law, but this proposition is only a description of the transmission of the custom into the judicature. Although the proposition can justify the transmission of the custom into the judicature, and although the legislator can establish the custom as a source of law, the judge needs some operational rules but not the abstract regulation. To transmit the custom into the judicature, the judge needs certain approaches and criteria, the nature of which is the capture and construction of the custom. The aim of this article is to describe and recur this course logically in the angle of normative analysis. Encircling the subject of the capture and reconstruction of the custom, the article is divided into six parts besides the introduction.
     The primary mission is to set up the precondition of argument by defining custom and customary law, the key concepts of the article. There're two ways to define of custom, mode of the behavior and norm of the behavior. Also there are two approaches to define customary law, one is recognition by the society and the second is recognition by the state. Thus, there's an overlap of the two concepts, which in fact includes three meanings altogether, that can be named as usage, custom and customary law. There are two approaches of the recognition of the custom by the state:by judicature or by legislation. So there are customary norms absorbed by the judicature and exist as precedents, which is named as customary law in this article. And the approaches by which the legislator affirms the custom include codification of the custom, absorbing rules from the custom and affirmation of the force of the custom generally. The customary norms turn into legal norms by the former two approaches, but by the third approach, the legislator authorizes the judge to apply the custom, and the form of the custom dosen't change. So custom of this kind can be named as legal custom. The norm of the legal custom is not certain yet, and the judge needs to find out it. In this way, custom and customary law are distinguished. Custom becomes customary law by the judicial adoption under the system of case law, so the customary law is custom that frozen in the precedent. But the custom in the judgment in the countries without case law has no attributes of law, and it is only a kind of applicable custom.
     There are three steps of the custom to be transmitted into the judicature, which are claim, testification and ascertainment. The process of the custom transmitted into the judicature and the custom turning into customary law is passive. How the privy claims the custom is an important proceeding subject. The privy can put forward the custom either when indicting or in the procedure. Generally speaking, how the privy puts forward the claim has no influence to the transmission of the custom into the judicature. But when the judge wants to refuse the custom, an irrelevant claim may become a pretense of the judge. The custom is a problem of fact. So the testification of the custom is a burden of the privy who claims the custom. And the judge's duty is to ascertain the custom. The privy is only in duty bound to testify the custom but not the customary law, it's the judge's duty to find out and apply the customary law. To ascertain the custom, the judge depends on some approaches and accords to some criteria, In the common law countries, many experiences have been accumulated, especially in Africa. The key of the judicial recognition of the custom is the criteria. There is a set of criteria of judicial recognition of custom in most countries but there's none in China. In the view of the normative analysis, we can construct a set of criteria, by which we can reflect the practice of judicial recognition of custom in China.
     Recognition of the norm is an important job of the judge during the process of the recognition of the custom, which is the precondition of the capture of the custom. Customary norm is also a kind of ought, and also has the compulsive force. Traditional theory of continental law system claims that the reason of the people following the custom is opinio necessitates. Imitation is the key factor to form the custom in the angle of psychology, because the behavior of the human-being has a normative ingredient. And there was a compulsive system of the customary norms, personal compulsion included, in the traditional society. But when the violent mechanism is monopolized by the state, the compulsive force of the custom degenerates into a kind of mental punishment, which leads to the deficiency of the normativity of the custom. The custom, which is'Ought to be', becomes'might be'. When custom is violated, the civil order might be destroyed, and the reconvension needs the intervention of the state. This is the legitimacy of the judicial adoption the custom. To recognize the idiographic ought, the judge needs to do the following jobs:first, distinguishes the nature of the object, that is to say, the object belongs to usage, custom or customary law; second, differentiates the fields between the field supervised by the law and free field of the citizen action; thirdly, after ascertaining that the law can intervene, recognizes the type of the custom, the rule of right and obligation and the normative expression of the custom.; fourthly, ascertains the rescue scheme according to the methodology meaning of the customary rules. The judicial recognition of the custom is an idiographic method of the law discovery, the nature of which is the capture and reconstruction of the custom.
     Legality Recognition means how the judge tests the validity of the custom, and get the applicable custom. The testification of validity is implemented on two stages. First, the judge needs to reflect the legitimacy of the custom, which is a process of filtration by the pre-comprehension of the judge. Judges in China usually disregard the traditional custom, which leads to the result that the custom is seldom transmitted into the judicature. Second, the judge needs to test the legality of the custom according to the present law. Only the custom which is corresponded to the regulation and the spirit of the statute can be applied in the judicature. Except that the statute authorizes the judge to apply the custom, it can only be transmitted into the judicature when there exists a loophole of law. There's no question of legality test in this situation. Legality of the custom mainly means the custom must accord with the spirit and the principle of the law, and accord with the public interest and public policy. Through the legality recognition of the custom, we can see that the applicable custom is filtered by the reflection of the judge and factors of the official institute.
     The purpose of the judge to recognize the custom is to solve the difficulties in the judicature. The legality of the judicial adoption by the judge is a theoretic difficulty of the positivism. And this theoretic difficulty changes into an normative difficulty in the civil law system. The judge in many countries of civil law system is forbidden to make law, they can only adjudicate the case by the statute, not the custom. Just through the very problem, we can get the key that the custom becomes customary law:the secret power changing custom into customary law is the authority of the judge. It is the authority of the judge that stamps the seal of law into the custom. In most situations, the judge applies the custom to supplement the positive law, or to testify some facts, or to clarify some mistiness of the law, or as a fact of the benefit-weight. In some special situations, the custom conflicts with the positive law, while exclusion of the application of the custom may leads to some unfair effects, then the judge can apply the custom to substitute the law to promote the acceptability of the judgment when the social mind has changed.
     It is obvious that the nature of the judicial recognition and adoption of the custom is the capture and reconstruction of the custom. The custom recognized and adopted by the judge becomes a customary law under the case law system. Actually, the customary law has become an artificial product of the judge in the legal history. In the movement of the custom turning into customary law, the final factor is not opinio necessitates of the public but opinio necessitates of the judge. It's possible for the custom to change into customary law, only when the judge has opinio necessitates about the custom. Then, the custom applied by the court became different with the pure civil custom after a period of accumulation of reconstruction of the custom. The custom applied by the court was hard set in the judgment and became a part of the tradition of the court. So the customary law is not the behavior mode of the civil, but has become the thinking mode of the lawyer passing through a long historical deposition. The customary norm has become the rule in the book from the rule in the action. Meanwhile the custom in the original meaning was marginalized and has turned into the background of the official institution, and comes into the judicature as a supplement occasionally. It's the fate of the custom.
①参见Gilbert T. Sadler, The Relation of Custom to Law, London:Sweet and Maxwell, Ltd,1919, preface.
    ④必须指出的一点是,各学术流派把习惯和习惯法作为一个主题进行探讨,只是意味着这个主题的重要性,而不是各个学派均认为习惯和习惯法具有与法律同等的重要性。相对而言,历史法学派比较重视习惯,而法律实证主义则倾向于贬低习惯。参见Kunal M. Parker, Context in History and Law:A Study of the Late Nineteenth-Century American Jurisprudence of Custom, Law and History Review, Vol 24, Fall 2006, pp.486-515.
    ① John Austin, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, London:John Murray, Albemarle Street,1832, pp.27-29.
    ⑤参见George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep.,2003), p.960.
    ⑥对法律实证主义关于习惯的法源地位的论述所进行的归纳和评论,可参见George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No. 5 (Sep.,2003), pp.959-961.
    ④参见Derek Asiedu-Akrofi, Judicial Recognition and Adoption of Customary Law in Nigeria, Journal of African Law,
    Vol.37, No.3 (Summer,1989), p.586.
    ①在笔者的阅读范围中,美国学者George Rutherglen区分了“作为独立法源而存在的习惯”和“经过立法机构授权的习惯。”后者即立法者通过制定法赋予法律地位的习惯。(参见George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep., 2003), p.936.) Rutherglen的这种区分对笔者的上述命名具有很大的启发意义。
    ①参见John Chipman Gray, The Nature and Sources of the Law, New York:the Macmillan Company,1921, pp.282-284; Paul Vinogradoff, Commonsense in Law, New Jersey:the Lawbook Exchange, ltd,2006, p.148; Rosco Pound, Jurisprudence, Vol.3,1959, West Publishing co.,pp.379-383。国内学者的观点参见张文显主编:《法理学》,高等教育出版社2003年版,第70页;沈宗灵:《比较法研究》,北京大学出版社1998年版,第414页:谢晖,陈金钊:《法理学》,高等教育出版社2005年版,第387-416页。
    ②参见Rosco Pound, Jurisprudence, Vol.3,1959, West Publishing co., pp.379-380.
    (?)Paul Vinogradoff, Common-sense in Law, New Jersey:the Lawbook Exchange, Ltd,2006, p.153.
    ①案件详情参见田富友、陈章采:《司法所长迷信风水强挖他人坟墓葬父》,载《华西都市报》2007年11月16日;陈章采、田富友:《挖了我祖坟 司法所长赔我棺木!》,载《华西都市报》2007年12月7日。
    ②参见陈章采、田富友:《挖了我祖坟 司法所长赔我棺木!》,载《华西都市报》2007年12月7日。
    ①本案例根据央视“经济与法”栏目播出的案例《八年前的公证书》整理,原文参见央视国际:http://www. cctv. com/program/jjyf/01/index.shtml.2009年8月20日最后访问。
    ②参见[英]Allen, Law in the Making, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1964, pp.129-130.
    ③ Allott文中的习惯法更加接近于笔者在行文中所界定的“习惯”概念,他引用的黄金海岸本土法院法第二条将习惯法定义为:“得到确立已久的惯例的强化的……一项或者一套规则……”。A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.258.所以,本文中引用Allott讨论非洲“习惯法”的观点是恰当的,与笔者对习惯和习惯法的区别并不矛盾。下文中笔者尽量将其术语转换为本文界定的概念。
    ④参见A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.245与此相似的观点,参见Jean G Zorn and Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), pp.618-620.
    ⑤ A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), pp.245-247.
    ⑥但是如果基于证明的目的,则这种类比是可以接受的。参见A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.260.这种观点为Hannigan所接受,参见A. Sr. J.J Hannigan, Native Custom, Its Similarity to English Conventional Custom and its Mode of Proof,,2 J. Afr. L. 101 (1958), p.103.
    ⑦ E. S. Haydon, The Choice of Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.11, No.1, (Jan.,1962), p.231.
    ① A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.257.
    ②无独有偶,Jean G. Zorn 和 Jennifer Corrin Care在论述南太平洋地区的习惯的司法确认时也将问题表述为“发现作为事实的习惯(custom) "和“发现作为法律的习惯(custom) "。 Jean G Zorn and Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru': Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), pp.622-635.
    ①参见H. Patrick Glenn, The Capture, Reconstruction and Marginalization of "Custom", The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.45, No.3 (Summer,1997), pp.617-618.
    ② G. T. Matenge, The Customary Law (Application and Ascertainment) Act 1969, Journal of African Law, Vol.13, No.2 (1969), p.101.
    ③ C. M. G Himsworth, The Botswana Customary Law Act 1969, Journal of African Law, Vol.16, No.1 (1972), p.17.
    ④参见Jean G Zorn and Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), p.622.
    ① A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.249.
    ②参见A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.250.
    ① A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modem Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), pp.261-262.
    ②参见A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modem Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.261.
    ③参见Jean G. Zorn and Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), pp.630-631.
    ④参见Jean G Zom and Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), p.631.
    ①参见A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.261.
    ②参见Jean G Zorn & Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), p.631.笔者认为,两位作者在此处混淆了法律的规范性和习惯的规范性,而把法律的规范性要求加在习惯身上。
    ③ A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p.259.
    ④关于Judicial Notice,也作Judicial Knowledge,可以参见《元照英美法词典》的解释。薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年版,第750页。
    ⑤ A. N. Allott, The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), p259. Allott的这个观点与Austin很相似,参见John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, pp.534-535。但是Hannigan则认为,众所周知不仅是对英格兰当局的法庭而言,更应当是针对给定的社区而言的。参见A. St. J. J. Hannigan, Native Custom, Its Similarity to English Conventional Custom and Its Mode of Proof, Journal of African Law, Vol.2, No.2 (Summer,1958), p.113.
    ⑥ A. N. Allott,The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa, The Modern Law Review, Vol.20, No.3 (May,1957), pp.259-261.
    ① Jean G Zorn & Jennifer Corrin Care,'Barava tru':Judicial Approaches to the Pleading and Proof of Custom in the South Pacific, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.51, No.3 (Jul.,2002), p.631.
    ③参见W. Jethro Brown, Customary Law in Modern England, Columbia Law Review, Vol.5, No.8, (Dec.,1905), pp. 578-580.
    ① Derek Asiedu-Akrofi, Judicial Recognition and Adoption of Customary Law in Nigeria, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.37, No.3, (Summer,1989), pp.584-585.
    ② 参见 Lindesay J. Robertson, The Judicial Recognition of Custom in India, Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Third Series, Vol.4, No.4 (1922), pp.218-228.
    ① Derek Asiedu-Akrofi, Judicial Recognition and Adoption of Customary Law in Nigeria, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.37, No.3, (Summer,1989), p.585.
    ①张宽明:《姜堰运用善良风俗化解民间纠纷——收集民俗近千条 整理资料十万字》,《人民法院报》2007年3月20日。
    ①如Allott认为:“很遗憾,我们缺乏可以确切地描述传统社会习惯规则的进化、明晰和确定过程的证据。”A.N.Allott, The People as Law-Makers:Custom, Practice, and Public Opinion as Sources of Law in Africa and England, Journal of African Law, Vol.21, No.1, (Spring,1977), p.10.
    ③ Hans Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law, Beijing:China Social Science Publishing House,1999, pp.4-5.
    ①参见Hans Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law, Beijing:China Socil Science Publishing House,1999, pp.7-8.
    ② Hans Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law, Beijing:China Socil Science Publishing House,1999, p.9.
    ①参见C. K. Allen, Law in the Making, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1966, p.101.
    ② C. K. Allen, Law in the Making, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1966, pp.102-103.
    ① Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, U.Ill. L. Rev., vol.1984 No.3, (1984), pp.569-570;司法对习惯形成的促进作用,也可参见T. W. Bennett and T. Vermeulen, Codification of Customary Law, Journal of African Law, Vol.24, No.2 (Autumn,1980), p.216;司法与人民一道创造习惯,参见William Thomas Tete, Code, Custom and the Courts: Notes Toward a Louisiana Theory of Precedent, Tul. L. Rev. vol.48 (1973-1974), pp.9-10.
    ② Gray认为,习惯经常从判决中产生。参见John Chipman Gray, The Nature and Sources of the Law, New York:The Macmillan Company,1921, pp.297-299.
    ③参见Louis Assier-Andrieu, Custom and Law in the Social Order:Some Reflections upon French Catalan Peasant Communities, Law and History Review, Vol.1, No.1 (Spring,1983), pp.86-94.
    ①参见C. K. Allen, Law in the Making, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1966, pp.89-93.
    ② Floyd H. Allport, Rule and Custom as Individual Variations of Behavior Distributed Upon a Continuum of Conformity, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol.44, No.6 (May,1939), p.897.
    ③ A. N. Allott, The People as Law-Makers:Custom, Practice, and Public Opinion as Sources of Law in Africa and England, Journal of African Law, Vol.21, No.1, (Spring,1977), p.10.
    ① Floyd H. Allport, Rule and Custom as Individual Variations of Behavior Distributed Upon a Continuum of Conformity, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol.44, No.6 (May,1939), p.900.
    ② Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, U.Ill. L. Rev., (1984), vol.1984, No.3, p.563.
    ③ William Thomas Tete, Code, Custom and the Courts:Notes Toward a Louisiana Theory of Precedent, Tul. L. Re 48 (1973-1974), p.12.
    ④ Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, U.Ill. L. Rev., (1984), vol.1984, No.3, p.563.
    ②参见C. K. Allen, Law in the Making, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1966, pp.67-69.
    ③ E. K. Braybrooke, Custom as a Source of English Law, Michigan Law Review, Vol.50, No.1 (Nov.,1951), p.78.
    ① L. Dee Mallonee, The Growth of Custom into Law, the Virginia Law Register, New Series, Vol.1, No.1 (May,1915), p. 12.
    ①[德]考夫曼:《类推与“事物本质”》,吴从周译,学林文化事业有限公司 1999年版,第119页。
    ③ A.N.Allott,The Judicial Ascertainment of Customary Law in British Africa,The Modern Law Review (May,1957),p.244.
    ①参见梁治平:《清代习惯法:社会与国家》,中国政法大学出版社 1996年版,第40页。梁治平文中用的是“习惯法”概念,笔者根据本文的界定将其还原为“习惯”。
    ①参见Lindesay J. Robertson, The Judicial Recognition of Custom in India, Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Third Series, Vol.4, No.4 (1922), p.225.
    ②Derek Asiedu-Akrofi,Judicial Recognition and Adoption of Customary Law in Nigeria,The American Journal of Comparative Law,Vol.37,No.3,(Summer,1989),pp.571-593.
    ① A. N. Allott, The People as Law-Makers:Custom, Practice, and Public Opinion as Sources of Law in Africa and England, Journal of African Law, Vol.21, No.1,(Spring,1977), pp.5-11.
    ② Samuel Enoch Stumpf, Austin's Theory of the Separation of Law and Morals, Vand. L. Rev.14 (1960-1961), p.121.
    ③参见John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, p.534.
    ⑤参见John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, pp.534-535.
    ① John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, p.536.
    ② John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, p.536.
    ③ John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, pp.536-537.
    ④ John Austin, Lectures on Jurisprudence, Vol.2, Beijing:China Social Sciences Publishing House,1999, p.538.
    ②对奥斯丁的“主权者”概念所进行的批判,参见John Dewey, Austin's Theory of Sovereignty, Political Science Quarterly, Vol.9, No.1 (Mar.,1894), pp.31-52; James Carter, Ideal and the Actual in the Law, American law Review, Vol.24 (1890), pp.752-778.
    ① W. Jethro Brown, Customary Law in Modern England, Columbia Law Review, Vol.5, No.8, (Dec.,1905), pp. 564-565.
    ②William Thomas Tete, Code, Custom and the Courts:Notes Toward a Louisiana Theory of Precedent, Tul. L. Rev. vol.48 (1973-1974), p.3.
    (?)Yvon Loussouarn, The Relative Importance of Legislation, Custom, Doctrine, and Precedent in French Law, Louisiana Law Review, Vol.18(1957-1958), p.251.
    ③ Yvon Loussouam, The Relative Importance of Legislation, Custom, Doctrine, and Precedent in French Law, Louisiana Law Review, Vol.18(1957-1958), p.251-252.
    ④转引自J. T. Cameron, Custom as a Source of Law in Scotland, The Modern Law Review, Vol.27, No.3 (May,1964), p. 317.
    ①转引自J. T. Cameron, Custom as a Source of Law in Scotland, The Modern Law Review, Vol.27, No.3 (May,1964), p. 317.
    ②参见J. T. Cameron, Custom as a Source of Law in Scotland, The Modern Law Review, Vol.27, No.3 (May,1964), pp. 317-318.
    (?) Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, vol.1984 No.3, U.(?). L. Rev., (1984), p.564.
    ①参见Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, vol.1984 No.3, U.Ill. L. Rev., (1984), pp.564-565.
    ②参见Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, vol.1984 No.3, U.Ill. L. Rev., (1984), p.571.
    ③ William Thomas Tete, Code, Custom and the Courts:Notes Toward a Louisiana Theory of Precedent, Tul. L. Rev. vol.48 (1973-1974), p.21.
    ④ E. K. Braybrooke, Custom as a Source of English Law, Michigan Law Review, Vol.50, No.1 (Nov.,1951), p.90.
    ①从司法视角深入探讨“习惯如何转变为法律”这个命题的,参见Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, vol.1984 No.3, U.(?). L. Rev., (1984), pp.571-572; L. Dee Mallonee, The Growth of Custom into Law, the Virginia Law Register, New Series, Vol.1, No.1 (May,1915);张晓萍:《试论从习惯到法律的转变——一个司法视角的审视》,载《甘肃政法学院学报》2007年9月第5期。
    ①Alan Watson, An Approach to Customary Law, vol.1984 No.3, U. Ill. L. Rev., (1984), pp.571-572.
    ① George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep.,2003), p.932.
    ② George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep.,2003), pp.956-963.
    ③ W. Jethro Brown, Customary Law in Modern England, Columbia Law Review, Vol.5, No.8, (Dec.,1905), pp. 561-583.
    (?) W. Jethro Brown, Customary Law in Modern England, Columbia Law Review, Vol.5, No.8, (Dec.,1905), p.583.
    E. K. Braybrooke, Custom as a Source of English Law, Michigan Law Review, Vol.50, No.1 (Nov.,1951), p.91.对凯尔森理论的质疑,参见G. Maher, Custom and Constitutions, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 1, No.2 (Summer,1981), pp.167-176.
    (?) Derek Asiedu-Akrofi, Judicial Recognition and Adoption of Customary Law in Nigeria, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.37, No.3, (Summer,1989), pp.571-593. E.K. Braybrooke, Custom as a Source of English Law, Michigan Law Review, Vol.50, No.1 (Nov.,1951), p.78.
    (?)Vinogradoff简单地论及了日耳曼习惯中发现和宣告习惯规范的机制,参见Paul Vinogradoff, Common-sense in Law, New Jersey:the Lawbook Exchange, Ltd,2006, pp.165-166.
    关于习惯的捕捉与重构,参见H. Patrick Glenn, The Capture, Reconstruction and Marginalization of "Custom", The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.45, No.3 (Summer,1997), pp.613-620;或者参见魏治勋:《民间法思维》,中国政法大学出版社2010年版,引言部分。
    ① Paul Vinogradoff, Common-sense in Law, New Jersey:the Lawbook Exchange, Ltd,2006, p.152.
    ② George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep.,2003), p.929.
    ③ George Rutherglen, Custom and Usage as Action under Color of State Law:An Essay on the Forgotten Terms of Section 1983, Virginia Law Review, Vol.89, No.5 (Sep.,2003), pp.930-931.
    ①参见H. Patrick Glenn, The Capture, Reconstruction and Marginalization of "Custom", The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.45, No.3 (Summer,1997), p.619.
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