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One of the most important protectors in Tibetan Buddhism,Mahakala was worshipped by the Mongols.In a story of the Mongol-Yuan period,he had a confrontation with Zhenwu 真武,a Daoist deity rising from the Northern Song period.By a thorough comparison of three versions of the story about their confrontation in,respectively,the Guier ji 贵耳集,Daizhi ji 待制集,and Fozu lidai tongzai 佛祖历代通载,this article examines the features and context of each text,their interrelationship and differences.After having analyzed the historical and Daoist context of the prototype of the story,which appeared as early as in the 1240 s,we identify the Black Killer 黑煞 in this earliest text with Mahakala,and propose that this story was created by the Mongol army who bribed the operator of the Planchette of Zhenwu to propagate it.The spread of Mahakala worship among the Mongols started earlier than the introduction of 'Phags pa and Dam pa,and even earlier than the meeting of Sakya Pandita and Prince Koten,probably through a Tangut(Xixia) intermediary.The earliest story reflects Zhenwu's subtle position in the Song-Mongol wars,which was a rare image of the Daoist deity.
1相关研究主要有:宿白:《元代杭州的藏传密教及其相关遗迹》,《文物》1990(10)。王尧:《摩诃葛剌(mahakala)崇拜在北京》,《庆祝王锺翰先生八十寿诞纪念论文集》,沈阳:辽宁大学出版社,1993:441—449。Wang Yao,“A Cult of Mahakala in Beijing”,Tibetan Studies:Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies,Fagernes,1992.Oslo:The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture,1994(2):957-964.张羽新:《玛哈嘎拉——元朝的护国神》,《世界宗教研究》1997(10)。那木吉拉:《论元代蒙古人摩诃葛剌神崇拜及其文学作品》,《中央民族大学学报》2000(4)。沈卫荣:《西夏、蒙元时代的大黑天崇拜与黑水城文献——以汉译龙树圣师造〈吉祥大黑八足赞〉为中心》,载王尧主编:《贤者新宴》第5辑,上海:上海古籍出版社,2007:153-167。
    11傅海波(HerbertFranke)将此句译为“the Heavenly Army[oftheMongols]first marched againstthe South”,意思更接近“天兵初南下”而非“初天兵南下”。
    12[元]念常:《佛祖历代通载》卷22,《大正藏》49:726。参看HerbertFranke,“Tan-pa,a Tibetan Lama at the court of the Great Khans",in Mario Sabattini ed.,Orientalia Venetians,Volume in onore di Lionello Lanciotti,Firenze:Leo S.Olschki Editore,1984:157-80,reprinted in his China under Mongol rule,Brookfield:Variorum,1994.
    24[宋]吕太古:《道门通教必用集》卷7,《道藏》32:39。[宋]金允中:《上清灵宝大法》卷39,《道藏》30:39。《太上三洞神咒》卷5,《道藏》2:83。关于四圣形成与其各自的来历,参阅景安宁:《元代壁画——神仙赴会图》,北京:北京大学出版社,2002:91—116;李远国:《天蓬、天蓬信仰及其图像的考辨》,《宗教学研究》2111(2):1-7。Edward L.Davis,Society and the supernatural in Song China,Chapter4“The Cult of the Black Killer”,Honolulu:University of Hawai'iPress,2001:67-86.
    28 The Daoist Iconography Project(DIP)http://manoa.hawaii.edu/daoist-iconography/dzm-big.html.
    38《贤者喜宴》(藏文)下册,北京:民族出版社,1986:1414-1416。《安多政教史》(藏文),兰州:甘肃民族出版社,1982:166-167。转引自陈庆英《西夏与藏族的历史、文化、宗教关系试探》,《陈庆英藏学论文集》,北京:中国藏学出版社,2006:159-160。《贡塘寺志》,英译见Per K S(?)rensen and Guntram Hazod in cooperation with Tsering Gyalbo,Rulers on the celestial plain:ecclesiastic and secular hegemony in medieval Tibet:a study of Tshal Gung-thang,Wien:Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,2007:147-151.
    39沈卫荣:《初探蒙古接受藏传佛教的西夏背景》,沈卫荣主编《西域历史语言研究集刊》第一辑,北京:科学出版社,2007:272-286。Shen Weirong,"A preliminary investigation into the Tangut background of the Mongol adoption of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism",in Orna Almogi ed.,Contributions to Tibetan Buddhist Literature[PIATS 2006:Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies.Konigswinter 2006.],Halle:international Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,2008:315-350.
    40 Ruth Dunnell,The Hsia Origins of the Yuan Institution of Imperial Preceptor,"in Asia Major.Third Series.Vol.5,part 1,1992:85-111.
    43 Elliot Sperling,"rTsa mi lo-ts-ba Sangs-rgyas grags-pa and the Tangut Background to Early Mongol-Tibetan Relations",Tibetan Studies:Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies,Fagemes,1992,Oslo:The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture,1994(2):801-824.
    47参看Shin-yi Chao,Daoist Ritual,State Religion,and Popular Practices:Zhenwu Worship from Song to Ming(960-1644),London and New York:Roudedge,2011:1-2,96.

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